Mortification by Anne Duchess of Hamilton to the University of Glasgow of 18 000 merks Scots in several bonds there assigned for the maintenance of three students of theology to be presented by the said Duchess and her heirs, they are to be maintained for three years, after which they are to go study abroad for one year at some other Protestant university.
- Reference:GB 248 GUA BL/480
- Dates of Creation:30 October 1694
- Language of Material:English
Scope and Content
The document is written on paper in a cursive italic hand. The first words are ornamented. It bears the signature of John McKenzie.
Custodial History
Previously numbered GUA 10214.
Blackhouse charters catalogue description: 'Registrat Mortification by Anna Dutches of Hamilton To the University of Glasgow of 18000 mks. Scots in severall bonds there assigned forthe use of 3 Students of Theologie to be mentained in all tyme comeing at the presentation of the said Dutches and her airs to be mentained for 2 years at the said University and thereafter to goe abroad to study one year at some oyr protestant university by the direction of the prinll. And professors of divinity in the said university to be made know to the said Dutches and her forsaids Containing ane irritancy and severall other conditions dated 30 Octo. 1694 Registrat 26 Nover. Said year'.
Deeds instituting bursaries, scholarships, and other foundations, in the College and University of Glasgow, ed. by William Thompson (Glasgow: George Richardson, 1850), p. 102-109.
Personal Names