James, Archbishop of Glasgow and Chancellor of the University, with the consent of the chapter, in order that the yearly duty already paid to the college from the customs of Glasgow might be not impaired but rather augmented, mortifies to it all and whole the customs of the steelyard, great and small customs, those of fair or market, of measure or weight, within the burgh of Glasgow, to be held of the archbishop and his successors.
- Reference:GB 248 GUA BL/422
- Dates of Creation:28 May 1581
- Language of Material:Scots
Scope and Content
Seal of James Boyd of Trochrig, Archbishop of Glasgow. Pendant on a tag.
The seal represents St Kentigern wearing episcopal vestments and a mitre. With his right hand he holds a salmon with a ring in its mouth and with his left hand a crozier. At either sides of the saint is foliated decoration. He stands within a niche of Gothic style with a domed canopy supported upon pillars and flanked by carved screens. Beneath the niche, under an arch, ensigned of an archiepiscopal cross, is a shield bearing arms: a fess chequy of four tracts abd ub base crosslet fichee. BOYD OF TROCHRIG. The legend is between carved borders: SIGILLVM IACOBI BOYD ARCHIEPISCOPI GLASGVEN. The counter-seal represents an ornamental shield bearing arms: BOYD OF TROCHRIG. To the right of the shield if the capital letter I and to the left the capital letter B. There is an illegible motto on an escroll above. Beaded border.
The document is written on parchment in a secretary hand, with almost no ornamentation.It bears the signatures of James Archbishop of Glasgow, J. Balfour dean, Mr Archibald Douglas Archdeacon, M. F. Coluill chantor, Mr William Chirnside parson of Luss, William Bailyei, John Lindsay parson of Carstairs, William Graham parson of Killearn, William Erskine chancellor of Glasgow, Mr A. Colquhoun parson of Stobo, James Hill parson of Askirk, Mr Andrew Hay Renfrew, Mr Andrew Poluart subdean, Robert Herbertson, G. Hay Eddilston, Archibald Crawfurd rector of Eglisham, John Howison parson of Cambuslang, Thomas Archibald de Cardross.
Custodial History
Previous numbered GUA 16616.
Blackhouse charters catalogue description: 'Mortification by James Archbishop of Glasgow with consent of the chapter of all and haill the customes of the troan of Glasgow, great and small customes, ffair or mercat customes, or of mett measure or weighs pertaining to the said Archbishoprick with all emoluments, fruits, profits or other commodities thereof whatsomever to remain unite annexed mortified and incorporat in favours of the Colledge of Glasgow in all time coming, to be holden of the said Archbishop, dated the twenty ight day of May one thousand ffive hundred eighty one years'.
- Munimenta Alme Universitatis Glasguensis, Records of the University of Glasgow from its Foundation till 1727, ed. by Cosmo Innes (Glasgow : the Maitland Club, 1856), I, p. 132-134 (entry no 72).
- Charters and other documents relating to the city of Glasgow, ed. by Sir James D. Marwick (Glasgow: Scottish Burgh Record Society, 1894-1906), vol. I, part 2, p. 189-191.
Personal Names