Mortification and confirmation by Andrew Archbishop of Glasgow, with the consent of the dean and the chapter of the altars and chaplaincies founded in the church of Glasgow to be served by the vicars of the choir.
- Reference:GB 248 GUA BL/100
- Dates of Creation:16 May 1467
- Language of Material:Latin
Scope and Content
Two seals, only one of which can be identified. Pendant on a tag.
The well-preserved seal is the one of Andrew Muirhead (alias Andrew de Durisdeer), Bishop of Glasgow. It represents St Kentigern with nimbus, wearing episcopal vestments and a mitre. With his right hand he holds a salmon with a ring in its mouth and with its left hand a crozier. He stands within a niche of Gothic style, in the two sides of this niche are two salmons with rings in their mouths. Beneath the niche is a round-based shield bearing the arms of Muirhead. The legend is within a raised border: SIGILLUM ANDREI EPI. GLASGUENSIS.
The document was written on parchment by the notary John de Moussalde and it is bearing his authentification mark. It is written in a bastard hand, a hybrid between the formal text hands and the informal cursive. The first letters are ornamented, as well as some ascenders on the first line.
Custodial History
Previously numbered GUA 12448.
Blackhouse charters catalogue description: 'Mortification and Confirmation by Andrew Archbishop of Glasgow with consent of the Dean and Chapter of the altars and Chaplanries erected in the kirk of Glasgow to be served by the viccars of the Queer of Glasgow erected and dated with severall Lands tennements yairds annual rents and possessions within the City of Glasgow and Liberties thereof by Mr. Nicolais de Greenlaw sometyme dean John Stewart Subdean Robert de Moffat Threasurer and David Nairn sometyme canons of the Church of Glasgow and by Sir John Dalgles and Richard Gardiner of old tyme viccars of the paroch kirks of Dreghorn and Colmonell which foundations and mortifications are all in Generall Confirmed to the viccars of the Queer dated 16 May 1467'.
Registrum episcopatus Glasguensis : munimenta ecclesie metropolitane Glasguensis a sede restaurata seculo ineunte XII ad reformatam religionem, ed. by Cosmo Innes (Edinburgh: Maitland Club, 1843), II, p. 414-416 (entry no 391).
Personal Names