Correspondence between Renwick, Dr Sylivia Dorothy Lawler and Dr L S Wildervanck
- Reference:GB 248 UGC 155/3/3/67/4/4
- Dates of Creation:26 Mar 1956-6 Nov 1975
- Physical Description:79 pages
Scope and Content
Concerning Dr Lawler and Renwick's follow-up research into determining blood groups of nail patella families (other than the ABO blood group which was originally studied). Also includes an annotated copy of Dr L S Wildervanck, Hereditary congenital anomalies of bones and nails in five generations, in Genetica vol 25 (1950), correspondence between Dr Sylvia Dorothy Lawler and Dr J J van Loghem, and Professor A Pondman, and pedigree charts.
Folder originally marked NP1.L .
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