Correspondence regarding HL-A typing and preparation of paper
- Reference:GB 248 UGC 155/4/1/6/1
- Dates of Creation:1970-1971
- Physical Description:40 pages
Scope and Content
Includes correspondence, concerning the reliability of HL-A Hp data for the paper, between Renwick and Dr Sylvia Dorothy Lawler, Dr Wilma B Bias, D Bernard Amos, Dr Fred H Allen, Dr Lars U Lamm, Professor Jon J van Rood, Dr Julia Bodmer, Dr Arne Svejgaard, Professor A J Therkelsen, Dr Wolfgang F Mayr, Professor Lowell R Weitkamp, and Dr Ch Rittner.
Professor Weitkamp's letter to Dr Victor Almon McCusick asking for "new linkage information" in relation to his proposed paper on linkage between haptoglobin and HL-A is included here. It was passed on to Renwick to deal with along with a copy letter from Dr Victor A McKusick (dictated not personally written) explaining to Dr Weitkamp how a "large body of data on Haptoglobin HL-A is in the mill"
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