Cataract linkage correspondence, pedigrees and photographs
- Reference:GB 248 UGC 155/3/3/16/1/3
- Dates of Creation:1946-c1970
- Physical Description:3 articles (51 pages), 18 loose pages, 2 photographs
Scope and Content
Includes letters from Professor Cedric Austen Bardell Smith and Peter J L Cook to Renwick, letter to Renwick from Marian M Izatt, and correspondence between Professor W J B Riddell and Dr J Ringland Anderson, which were passed on to Renwick. Also includes two photographs of an eye affected by cataracts, pedigrees and patient data, and 2 copies of the article written by Renwick and Dr Sylvia D Lawer titled, Probable linkage between a congenital cataract locus and the Duffy blood group locus in Annals of Human Genetics, (1963), 27, 67.
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