Correspondence with doctors regarding patients with nail patella syndrome
- Reference:GB 248 UGC 155/3/3/67/2/4
- Dates of Creation:5 May 1954-9 Oct 1989
- Physical Description:2 articles (22 pages), 154 loose pages
Scope and Content
Mostly correspondence between Renwick and patients suffering from nail patella syndrome and correspondence between Renwick and Dr Stefan Mejzner and Dr Clifford F Hawkins. Also contains notes on families and some pedigrees and annotated reprint of Genetical linkage between the ABO and nail-patella loci, by Renwick and Dr Sylvia Dorothy Lawler in Annals of Human Genetics, vol 19, (1955) marked "updated July 1968".
Folder originally marked "NP1.B P3".
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