Faculty of Science & Engineering
- Reference:GB 254 RU 899
- Dates of Creation:1964-1988
- Name of Creator:
- Physical Description:8 boxes; 1 missing
Scope and Content
Box 1: Faculty Board Minutes; Staff Student Consultative Committee; Board of Studies; annual accounts; Faculty board papers. Box 2: Faculty Board Minutes; University planning commitee; computing services committee; general correspondence; Planning - general file; Jarratt report; Admissions office; Geography/Geology merger discussion with Universitu fo St Andrews; UCCA. Box 3: Admissions office; CRAC; Schools Liaison service; questionaire on part-time degrees; visits from applicants; Dean of students; student numbers, departmental visits; Diploma in Science; qualifications of entrants students; depts of Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Mathematics, Geology. Box 4: Dept of Physics,; UGC Overseas Studentships; Transatlantic exchange; occasional students; Dean of Students; potential non-graduating students; bursary nominations; Advisors of studies; timetables; degree examination organisation; student couselling; Chaplaincy; Careers & appointments service; course material; safety officer; finance dept; personnel office; Science visits; University grants committee; Committee of Vice Chancellor's & Principals. Box 5: Scholarships; visiting Fellowships; Leverhulme Trust; Wolfson Foundation, Carnegie Trust; British Association; publications; British technology group; annaul reports; Charter; SFSU; Sentate correspondence; Academic Council papers; Court papers;equipment & furniture Box 6: MISSING Box 7: Dept of Physiology; Arts & Social Sciences; Engineering; Law (inc Accountancy); Electrical Engineering; Medicine; Dentistry; Student Progress committee; certificates; annual reports; overseas students; L. E. A correspondence; Transatlantic Student exchange scheme. Box 8: Faculty papers
Usually chronological within series.
Access Information
Open for consultation subject to preservation requirements. Access must also conform to the restrictions of the Data Protection Act (2018), General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, 2018) and any other relevant legislation or restrictions. Clinical information is closed for 100 years.
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Archivist's Note
Description compiled by Sharon Kelly 23/11/2015
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Reproduction is available subject to preservation requirements. Charges may be made for this service, and copyright and other restrictions may apply; please check with the Duty Archivist.
Not expected
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RU 899