Collection of Letters and Poems of Eudo Colecestra Mason (1901-1969)
- Reference:GB 237 Coll-635
- Dates of Creation:1915-1969
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English, and German.
- Physical Description:20 boxes, 1 card-index file, 2 files, 1 letter, 1 notebook, (4 linear metres) Access to records in a fragile condition may be restricted.
Scope and Content
The material is composed of: poems (by Colchester Mason), manuscript, 1915-1920; poems, typescript, 1918-1920; miscellaneous loose poems, typescript; letters to E. Klipstein about an article on Flaubert, 1939; letters to R. Kassner, 1939-1952, to R. Ullmann, 1941-1946, to G. Craig-Houston, 1942, to J. Lachenmeier, 1943, to W. Hartmann, 1944, to M. Wehrle, 1946, to T. von der Muehll, 1946, to E. von Schenk, 1946, to R. Chapman, 1947; letter to E. L. Stahl about a work on Rilke and discussing Stahl's essay on Hoelderlin, 1947; letters to R. Hagelstange about poetry and Rilke, 1952-1954; memoranda by Mason about Ullmann; memorandum by Mason about translation of Barth's Fidens quaerens intellectum; notes by Mason about R. Hagelstange; Festschrift zum 26 Sept. 1961, verses in English and German marking the Tenth Anniversary of Mason's accession to the Chair of German; portrait photograph of Mason (Colchester Mason), aged thirteen, in fancy dress as 'Mayor' of Colchester; lecture notebooks, Oxford; notebook on Golden bough, 1931; Rilke index and diplomas; texts, notes, criticisms; lecture notes on German literature; notes on French literature; notes on Goethe; notes on Fuseli; notes on Rilke; notes on English literature, Shakespeare, Romanticism, Elizabethan tragedy, Joyce; correspondence and personal material; and, miscellaneous papers of Mason, 1951-1969.
Administrative / Biographical History
Eudo Colecestra Mason - Colchester Mason - was born in Colchester on 26 September 1901. He went to school in Cambridge and studied in Oxford and Cambridge. He held posts as a Lektor at Muenster, Leipzig, and Basle, taking his doctorate in Leipzig with a thesis on R. M. Rilke. He later became a D.Litt., Oxford. Mason came to Edinburgh University as a Lecturer in 1946, and became Professor of German in 1951. His publications include Rilke's apotheosis (1938), Der Zopf des Muenchausen (1949), The mind of Henry Fuseli (1951), Rilke, Europe and the English-speaking world (1961), and The genesis and purport of Goethe's Faust (1967). Professor Eudo Colecestra Mason died in Edinburgh on 10 June 1969.
Access Information
Generally open for consultation to bona fide researchers, but please contact repository for details in advance.
Acquisition Information
Letters to Klipstein, Kassner, Ullmann et. al., acquired from Trustees of Prof. E. C. Mason, Jamuary 1970, Accession no. E70.5. Festschrift, acquired July 1969, Accession no. E71.36. Poems and portrait, acquired October 1973, Accession no. E73.38. Letter to Stahl, removed December 1981 from Holederlin's symbolism, S.B.P. .83167 Sta., Accession no. E81.114. Notebooks lectures, Oxford, acquired January 1990, Accession no. E90.7. Notebook on Golden bough, acquired August 1988, Philosophy Dept., Edinburgh University, Accession no. E90.17. Diplomas, Rilke index, acquired August 1990, Accession no. E90.112. Papers, 1951-1969, acquired from German Studies, David Hume Tower, Edinburgh University, September 2001, Accession no. E2002.04.
Note that E90.17 was not located at the time of writing this description.
The biographical/administrative history was compiled using the following material: (1) Who's who 1968-1969. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1968. (2) Obituary. University of Edinburgh journal. Vol. 24. 1969-1970. p.133. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1970.
Compiled by Graeme D Eddie, Edinburgh University Library, Special Collections Division.
Other Finding Aids
Important finding aids generally are: the alphabetical Index to Manuscripts held at Edinburgh University Library, Special Collections and Archives, consisting of typed slips in sheaf binders and to which additions were made until 1987; and the Index to Accessions Since 1987.
Check the local Indexes for details of any additions.
Related Material
The local Indexes show references to other Mason related material (check the Indexes for more details): card from G. B. Shaw, May 1931, at Gen. 1429/11, f. 90; letters from R. M. B. Nichols, G. W. Freytag, I. Von Stach, B. Lloyd, Lady L. Frazer, R. Kassner, R. Ullmann, M. Wackernagel, E. Tschichold, J. Lachenmeier, W. Hartmann, S. Trebitsch, K. Barth, T. von der Muehll, R. Chapman, K. Luedes, T. Mann (xerox), H. Born, R. Hagelstange, 1935-1954.
In addition, the UK National Register of Archives (NRA), updated by the Historical Manuscripts Commission, notes: 1948-66: correspondence and bibliographical notes, 1948-1966, National Library of Scotland, Manuscripts Division, Ref. Acc.4986 NRA 29133 Mason.
Personal Names
Corporate Names