Gardens at Auchincruive: Management Plan/Consultative Draft (Photocopy)
- Reference:GB 3488 WoSCA/15/02/LEA/1/2
- Dates of Creation:1994
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:36 pages excluding appendices.
Scope and Content
This is a management plan / consultative draft of Gardens at Auchincruive. This may have been a student’s dissertation. This is the photocopy. It is in black and white. The project looks into the opinions and uses of the gardens at Auchincruive. It is a study carried out by questionnaire and the document is complete with appendices.
Original arrangement.
This is a photocopy of the original document. This copy may be discarded.
Appraisal Information
Destruction may be required.
No further accruals expected
Additional Information
Geographical Names