Lecture notes for diploma in Forensic Medicine
- Reference:GB 248 DC 396/1
- Dates of Creation:1990-1991
Scope and Content
Consists of handouts and several photocopied articles from journals. The names of the lecturers are given for each set of notes. Notes for lectures the following lectures:
- Medical terms: cardiovascular system and central nervous system taught by Professor Alan Watson;
- Personnel of the Law, taught by Miss Ruth Anderson;
- Fatal Accident Enquiries and Role of the Defence, taught by Mr Ian Scott;
- Drugs of Abuse, taught by Dr Robert Anderson;
- Drugs and Posions/General Toxicology, taught by Dr John Oliver;
- Interpretation of Wounds and Other Injuries, taught by Dr Marie Cassidy;
- Aspects of Death Taught, by Dr Michael Curtis;
- Forensic Odontology, taught by Dr Gordon MacDonald;
- Alcohol-Scienctific and Medical Aspects, taught by Professor Hamilton Smith;
- The Role of the Judge, taught by Sheriff John Horsburgh;
- Forensic Psychiatry, taught by Dr P Janker.