Cancer Advisory Committee - Dr A S M MacGregor - Terms of Reference
- Reference:GB 243 D-HE5/3/27
- Dates of Creation:1937 - 1939
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:3 files Typed document
Scope and Content
Front cover of the folder gives the terms of reference of the committee and an index to 40 committee papers although not all appear to be in the folder. Includes:
File 1 -Cancer Bill as amended on third reading; Cancer Bill explantory and financial memorandum; Parliamentary Debates Official Report of House of Commons and House of Lords on Cancer Bill; Cancer - Memorandum on Provision of Radio-Therapeutic Departments in General Hospitals by A B Smallman, 1937, published by Ministry of Health; circular to County Councils from the Ministry of Health on the Cancer Act; review of Modern Methods in the Treatment of Cancer by G F Stebbing. Printed items.
File 2 - statistics on cancer deaths 1937; The Necessities and Organisation of a Radium Centre; memorandum from the Ministry of Health on the medical profession and the Cancer Bill; British Medical Journal article on Importance of Laboratory Effort in Cancer Research by Sir Gowland Hopkins, 1939; minutes of meeting of Association of Counties of Cities on cancer services; minutes of Cancer Advisory Committee meetings; statistics on the mean natural duration of the disease. Typed.
File 3 - results of questionnaire on cancer in-patients; and statistics for hospital beds in Scotland. Typed.
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