Papers of Elizabeth Watson McDonald / Mc Kie (nee Crowley)
- Reference:GB 1199 C596
- Dates of Creation:1892-1979
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:0.01m
Scope and Content
This collection contains the personal papers of Elizabeth McDonald (nee Crowley)
1:1. Central Midwives Board for Scotland; Form XII; (Midwives (Scotland) Act, 1915, Section 18.) Notification to Practice form (not completed).
1:2. Class ticket for School Board of Glasgow dated Session 1915-1916, Whitehill public School, Sissy Crowley. Subject: National Health Insurance. Signed 24 May 1916 by Thomas Donaldson, Headmaster.
1:3. Letter dated May 1916 signed by James Lewis, Teacher. Encloses Elizabeth Crowley's class certificate and tells her where to collect her exam papers.
1:4. Testimonial dated 3 July 1919, signed by Charles Byrne on behalf of the Scottish Catholic Insurance Society. NB refers to Sarah Crowley who worked as a clerk with them 24 January 1916- 23 November 1918. [Elizabeth was called 'Sissy' in the family.]
1:5. Receipt dated 16 July 1923, signed by the Registrar for the GNC Scotland. Receipt for 2 guineas Registration fee for Fever Training.
1:6. Note from GNC Scotland dated 14 January 1924 signed by the Registrar. Notifying the approved jewellers to supply a Fever Nursing Badge to Elizabeth Crowley.
1:7. Counterfoil dated 14 January 1924 informing the Registered nurse how to apply for a badge.
1:8. Letter from GNC Scotland, dated 16 January 1924. Signed by W S Farmer, Registrar.
1:9. Testimonial dated 4 April 1924, typed but signed by Dr A. McLaughland MB ChB. Nurse Crowley has been a Staff Nurse in the Sanitorium for 15 months. Lists her positive Qualities and notes she has had a thorough training of five years of nursing infectious disease.
1:10. Testimonial dated 14 April 1924, hand written and signed by Ann McLaughland MB ChB.
1:11. Testimonial (copy) dated 16 February, 1925. Signed on behalf of the MOH, A K Chalmers. Relates to Secondment from Ruchill Hospital to the Sanitary Department April 1924-February 1925.
1:12. Testimonial dated 16 February, 1925. Signed on behalf of the MOH, A K Chalmers. Relates to Secondment from Ruchill Hospital to the Sanitary Department April 1924-February 1925.
1:13. Testimonial dated 16 February 1925 and signed by Miss J G Landles, Matron. Reference for 'Maternity training' at the Glasgow Maternity Hospital.
1:14. Testimonial dated 26 February 1925 signed with illegible signature but qualified as MA, BSc, AIC, FCS. Glasgow Royal Cancer Hospital. Applying for the post of School Nurse in Dumbartonshire.
1:15. Testimonial dated 6th May 1926. Signed by Miss H G Landles, Matron of Ruchill Hospital. Nursse Crowley trained August 1919-November 1922. Notes that since leaving the Sanitary Department 'has taken her CMB'.
1:16. Compliments slip dated 28 July 1926 from the Secretary of CMB Scotland. Enclosed a notification to practice form.
1:17. Letter dated 18 August, 1926 signed John MacDonald Ross, MOH County of Wigton requesting further information about Nurse Crowley's qualifications.
1:18. Compliments slip dated 20 November 1935 unsigned. From the Central Midwives Board for Scotland seems to be informing her / reminding her of her CMB Roll number: 6708.
1:19. Nurses and Midwives (Registration for Employment) Order, 1943. Instructions for the Completion of the Registration Form E.D. 85N. Four pages, single folded sheet.
Access Information
This collection is available for research subject to data protection laws. Readers are advised to contact the RCN Archives in advance of their visit.