Items tabled at Board meetings held in 2003
- Reference:GB 2078 SL/BP/1/129
- Former Reference:GB 2078 SLB50 EX30/05 SLB51 EX30/06
- Dates of Creation:2003
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:1 bundle of papers
Scope and Content
25/02/2003 consists of UK Life and Pensions Management Committee 07/02/2003. Report on the actuarial valuation of the company. Report on the company's assets. Annual report and accounts. Profit and Loss account. Investment Report. Standard Life branch operation in France. Equity Stock Lending. Higgs recommendation papers. Standard life Investments capital requirements. Staff Pension scheme papers. 25/03/2003 consists of UK Life and Pensions Management Committee 10/03/2003. Press coverage - regaining the initiative. Standard Life Bank securitisation. Investment Report. Investment report for non traditional business. Subordinated members account. Audit committee meeting. Chinese joint venture preparatory committee. Arrangements for the company's AGM. Standard Life Charity Fund. UK Life and Pensions 01/04/2003. International operations new business report. investment report. Press coverage regaining the initiative. Subordinated members account. Bonus review. Executive and Board committee changes. Minutes of the meeting of the board of directors 25/02/2003. 27/05/2003 consists of Meeting of the Board of Directors 22/04/2003. Annual General Meeting Papers. Group Executive Committee minutes 16/05/2003. UK Life and Pensions management committee 07/05/2003. Group profitability analysis. Subordinated members account. Group Risk management committee report. Corporate Governance report from the FSA. Group Risk Management Policy. International Operations new business report. Heng An Standard Life Insurance Company (HASL) Bank Counterparties. Standard Life Investments New operational platform. Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors 25/03/2003.24/06/2003 consists of UK Life and Pensions Management Committee 06/06/2003. Review of Standard Life Bank, Healthcare and Investments. International Operations New Business Report. Quarterly communication plan. Subsidiary companies / major lines of business. UK life and pensions conference plan. 22/07/2003 consists of Minutes of the Board of Directors 24/06/2003. UK Life and Pensions Management Committee 04/07/2003. Audit committee meeting minutes. International operations new business report. Investment report. UK Life and Pensions Business 3 year plan. Bonus declaration. Interim results. 26/08/2003 consists of Group Executive committee minutes 13/08/2003. UK Life and Pensions Management Committee 08/08/2003. International operations new business report. Investment Report. Group operational Risk Committee report. Register of outside appointments. Register of Indemnities. Rule amendments to staff pension scheme. Review of occupational health and safety. Proposal to launch a lifetime mortgage product and Lothian 2 securitisation papers for Standard Life Bank. Market Risk paper. 23/09/2003 consists of Group Executive Committee minutes 05/09/2003. UK Life and Pensions Management Committee meeting 05/09/2003. International Operations new business report. Investment Report. Review of the Standard Life Group excluding Canada. Paper on Combined Code - Board Governance. Standard Life Investments Review. Lifetime mortgage new subsidiary. Programme Dundas risk assessment. Group communication plan. Standard Life Savings paper. 28/10/2003 consists of UK Life and Pensions Management Committee 03/10/2003. Group operational risk committee meeting. International Operations New Business report. Board constitution and terms of reference. Appointment of General manager in France. Competitor Comparisons. Evolution of statutory solvency reporting paper. FSA Risk mitigation plan interim assessments correspondence and papers. UK Life and Pensions business 3 year plan. Project Dundas papers. 25/11/2003 consists of FSA Risk mitigation correspondence and papers. Minutes of the meeting of the board of Directors 28/10/2003. UK Life and Pensions Management Committee 07/11/2003. Group Technical risk committee. Audit committee minutes. International operations new business report. Proposed audit fees. Matters reserved for the Group board. Standard Life charity fund paper. Staff Pension scheme paper. Activation of Standard Life Investments No1 Hong Kong. Investment constraints and solvency. Business Plan for Canadian operations. Mr StoneBank's Campaign (linked to demutualisation). Group Executive committee minutes. 16/12/2003 consists of Risk mitigation FSA papers and correspondence. Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors 25/11/2003. Group Executive Committee Minutes. UK Life and Pensions Management committee minutes. Technical risk summary report. International Operations new business report. Group internal audit controls review. Standard Life Bank papers. Business plans for Standard Life Bank, and Healthcare.
Administrative / Biographical History
Periodically sent to archive from 2008 onwards by company secretariat
Modified ISAD(G)
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