Pack sent to Directors in advance of meeting on 13/12/2005
- Reference:GB 2078 SL/BP/1/177
- Former Reference:GB 2078 SLB26 EX30/16
- Dates of Creation:2005
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:1 bundle 3 items
Scope and Content
Board meeting pack consists of Paper on investment policy and outlook for 2006. Paper on the staff pension scheme. Paper on Group policies to be approved as part of the Internal risk and control framework. Paper on Standard Life Investments proposed new intermediate holding company. Paper on position of Pegasus Bank in proposed demutualisation scheme structure. Paper for demutualisation committee relating to the establishment of a UK and Irish Services Company. Strategy for responding to significant reductions in the gilt yield curve. Draft recommendations from the head of actuarial function regarding the methods and assumptions to be used to the actuarial valuation of the company. Review of Guarantee Deductions Management Actions and target equity backing ratios. Paper on final bonus calculations for unitised with profits pensions. Corporate Governance update on progress since board approval of Governance and Management Frameworks on 30/08/2005. Minutes of the demutualisation committee. Minutes of the investment committee. Minutes of meeting of the Board of Directors on 22/11/2005, action list, timetable and agenda. Group Funds monthly report. Paper on outside appointments. Request for approval to meet capital requirements HDFC Standard Life Assurance Co Ltd. Paper for approval; Capitalisation of Standard Life International Limited. Paper on non Executive Directors in Canada responsibilities and fees. Scheme Pack 1 consists of - Corporate and fund structure paper Executive summary, Corporate and fund structure paper and draft copies of letters to the FSA. Scheme Pack 2 consists of - Preliminary report of the with profit actuary and actuarial function holder on the proposed demutualisation. Paper on with profits expectations. Paper on intra Group reassurance- property linked unit funds proposal and recommendations. Scheme expense analysis principles paper. Compensation schedule briefing note.
Administrative / Biographical History
Periodically sent to archive from 2008 onwards by company secretariat
Modified ISAD(G)
Access Information
Not Public Record(s)Access in person only subject to confidentiality restrictions. No reproduction of these records is permitted without permission from the abrdn Company Secretary.
Acquisition Information
Company secretariat colleagues
None expected