Items tabled at Board meetings held in 2002
- Reference:GB 2078 SL/BP/1/123
- Former Reference:GB 2078 SLB49 EX30/04
- Dates of Creation:2002
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:1 bundle of papers
Scope and Content
25/06/2002 consists of UK Life and Pensions Management Committee meeting 07/06/2002. Standard Life Bank, Healthcare and Investments Business plan update. Managed properties pension scheme paper. Subordinated Debt paper. International operations business report. Investment report. Minutes of Audit committee meeting. Bonus declaration. Draft response to Higgs on the role of Non Executive Directors. Proposed joint venture between Standard Life and Heng An in Tianjin China. Group risk management committee report. Indemnities for directors and officers. Register of appointments. Paper on Standard Life Savings ltd. Development of property in France. 24/09/2002 consists of UK Life and Pensions management Committee 06/09/2002 05/07/2002. Investment report. International business report. Review of Standard Life Group. Salary and benefits review and recommendations. Office developments in Paris. 22/10/2002 consists of Financial Services Authority Risk Assessment. Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors 24/09/2002. UK Life and Pensions Management Committee 11/10/2002. International operations new business report. Investment Transactions. Competitor comparisons and financial strategy. Endowment promise. Standard Life Healthcare Ltd - project Romeo. Paper on claims for repayment of income tax. Staff pension scheme papers. 26/11/2002 consists of UK Life and Pensions committee meeting 08/11/2002. International operations new business report. Investment Report. Investment outlook and policy. Canadian annual plan. Minutes of the audit committee. Proposed audit fees. AGM and member qualification dates. Group Risk management committee report. FSA risk mitigation plan update.21/01/2003 consists of UK Life and Pensions committee meeting 10/01/2003. Investment report. Project Romeo. Business plans for Standard Life Bank, Healthcare and Investments. Standard Life Investments Capital Requirements. International operations performance and business plan. Bonus declaration. Minutes of meeting of the audit committee. Authority to Executives in Canada. HDFC request for further capital. Higgs review.
Administrative / Biographical History
Periodically sent to archive from 2008 onwards by company secretariat
Modified ISAD(G)
Access Information
Not Public Record(s)Access in person only subject to confidentiality restrictions. No reproduction of these records is permitted without permission from the abrdn Company Secretary.
Acquisition Information
Company secretariat colleagues
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