Numbered Circulars for Board meeting held on 25/01/2011
- Reference:GB 2078 SL/BP/1/274
- Former Reference:GB 2078 SLB207 SLB206 EX54/01
- Dates of Creation:2011
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:1 bundle of items
Scope and Content
Consists of review of Chairman. Annual review of remuneration of non Executive Directors. Year - End Corporate Governance. Annual review of company's principal corporate advisors. Defence considerations paper. Register of conflicts of interest and outside appointments. Conflict of interest and outside appointments paper. Group bribery policy paper. Review of Standard Life Dividend policy. Sourcing arrangements for IT application development maintenance and testing. Autumn - moving directly to WRAP solution. Board development papers. FSA Risk assessment and mitigation programme. Monthly board Update J P Morgan. Group Performance Report. Minutes of Crocus committee. Project Daly committee meeting minutes. Scip and share schemes allotment committee. Treasury committee minutes. Minutes of the with profits committee. Risk and capital committee meeting minutes. Update to Board on EWBP.
Administrative / Biographical History
Periodically sent to archive from 2008 onwards by company secretariat
Modified ISAD(G)
Access Information
Not Public Record(s)Access in person only subject to confidentiality restrictions. No reproduction of these records is permitted without permission from the abrdn Company Secretary.
Acquisition Information
Company secretariat colleagues
None expected