Preliminary Offering Circular of Standard Life MACS plc
- Reference:GB 2078 SL/BP/1/152
- Former Reference:GB 2078 SLB138 EX37/07
- Dates of Creation:2004
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:2 items
Scope and Content
Circular produced for Standard Life MACS plc to combine it with Standard Life plc. Concerns Fixed/floating rate mutual assurance capital securities.
Administrative / Biographical History
Periodically sent to archive from 2008 onwards by company secretariat
Modified ISAD(G)
Access Information
Not Public Record(s)Access in person only subject to confidentiality restrictions. No reproduction of these records is permitted without permission from the abrdn Company Secretary.
Acquisition Information
Company secretariat colleagues
None expected