Board Enclosures from Standard Life Assurance Company Board meetings held 25/01 and 28/02/2005
- Reference:GB 2078 SL/BP/1/158
- Former Reference:GB 2078 SLB82 EX38/01 SLB38 EX30/11 SLB83 EX38/02
- Dates of Creation:2005
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:1 box of papers
Scope and Content
Consists of loose papers - Combined code on Corporate Governance compliance schedule. Paper on Turnbull Report compliance. Standard Life Group's internal control framework. Self certification with the approved persons regime and the relevant elements of the internal control framework. File 1 consists of Report on corporate governance and regulatory governance sign off process 2004. Report to the Directors on the companies assets. Calculation of with profits insurance capital component. Recommendations from the reporting actuary regarding methods and assumptions to be used for companies act reporting 2004. Report on the actuarial valuation of the company. Other papers related to the actuarial valuation of the company. Group business plan 2005. Finance Programme update. Group board monthly update overview of results. Minutes of the demutualisation committee. 2004 annual report and accounts. Directors' pension information. Draft of 2004 annual report and accounts. Reserving for Mortgage endowment process. File 2 consists of Group fund monthly report. Minutes of the meeting of the board of Directors held on 25/01/2005. Report of the Remuneration committee. Minutes of the investment committee meeting. Strategic asset allocation paper. Disposal of Prosperity (Spain Group of companies). Paper on Cross border UK market entry. AGM papers. Supplementary paper on demutualisation voting waiver and AGM 2005 resolutions. Principles and practices of financial management (PPFM) compliance papers. Group Board monthly update. Finance Program Update. Group Business Plan 2005. Actuarial Valuation report. Report on assets as at 31/12/2004. Corporate Governance and Regulatory Governance Sign off. Draft annual report and accounts for SLAC. AGM Pack. Cross Border UK market entry- international bond. Project Princess update. Strategic asset allocation UK par fund property. Standard Life Ireland revised Group Life bonus. Minutes of the demutualisation committee. Minutes of the investment committee. Report of the Remuneration committee. Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors 25/01/2005, action list, timetable and agenda. Group Funds monthly report. Paper on PPFM management. Paper on appointment of Independent Expert for Demutualisation Scheme. Papers on the staff pension scheme. Papers on business in Canada. Group fund monthly report. Proposed audit fees. Minutes of meeting of the Board of Directors held on 14/12/2004 and action list. Minutes of the nomination committee meeting. Minutes of the investment committee meeting. Minutes of the demutualisation committee. Minutes of the audit committee. Paper on capital requirements. Draft paper on valuation process. Draft press release. Papers on 2004 bonus declaration. Update on communications planning. regulatory and corporate governance sign off process. Correspondence on proposed demutualisation scheme. Market and investment strategy. FSA Themes paper. Risk mitigation plan.
Administrative / Biographical History
Periodically sent to archive from 2008 onwards by company secretariat
Modified ISAD(G)
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Not Public Record(s)Access in person only subject to confidentiality restrictions. No reproduction of these records is permitted without permission from the abrdn Company Secretary.
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