Personal papers of and relating to Kenneth Murchison
- Reference:GB 237 Coll-51/2/1
- Dates of Creation:1770-1938
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:1 box None which affect the use of this material
Scope and Content
1 Reproduction of portrait by Raeburn (advertisement in Connoisseur, November 1938), with letter of Henry Raeburn to K. Murchison, 2 July 1793. The price of the portait was 18.18s.0d. + frame £3.10s.6d. 4 items.
2 Probate of will. 5 fols, vellum. With Extracts, 3 fols.
3 Five certificates in surgery, midwifery, etc., London, 1771-1772.
4 Matriculation of armorial bearings, Edinburgh, Lyon Office, 16 June 1788, with seal, in case.
5 Letters of appointment of K.Murchison, etc.:
5.1: 'Surgeon to the officers in the service of the Nabob Asoph ul Dowlah, 25 April 1776'.
5.2: Assistant surgeon, East India Company, signed by Warren Hastings, et al., 30 October 1776.
5.3 Surgeon, East India Company, 25 October 1786, signed by Warren Hastings; P. Francis; E Wheler.
5.4: 'Copy of instructions' [to K.M.'s attorneys in India] 1784. 4 fols.
5.5: Covering note for Confirmation of allowances, Lucknow, 25 March 1779.
5.6: Confirmation of allowances [Hindi script] with folded envelope annotated in English.
5.7: [Document in Hindi.]
.6 .1: Marriage contract between Kenneth Murchison and Barbara Mackenzie, 30 November 1789. Vellum.
6.2: Certificate of banns, Edinburgh, 9 June 1798, for Barbara Mackenzie or Murchison and Capt Robert Macgregor Murray. Signed as certificate of marriage by [Bishop] D. Sandford, 11 June 1798. With blue envelope for the above two documents, signed by R.I.Murchison.
6.3: Instrument of Sasine in favour of Mrs Barbara Murchison, 1791.
6.4: 'Case respecting the settlements of the deceased Kenneth Murchison Esqr of Tarradale 1796, For an opinion.' 4 fols.
6.5: Will of Jennetta Cathrine Hull, 1877, with 3 codicils 1879-1881.
6.6: Opinion on Mrs Hull's will, 1883.
.7 Various documents, 1787-1818.
.8 Various documents, 1787-1818.
.9 Letter book of Kenneth Murchison, Calcutta, 1782-1784. Labelled 'Business letters of my Father prior to leaving India 1783-1784. Examined R.F.M. see pages 67, 68, of my book for contents'.
.10 'Letters & Memorandums Oct 1784'. Letter book, Port L'Orient, 1784-1786, of K. Murchison.
Archivist's Note
Grant Buttars 10 November 2009
Personal Names
Geographical Names