John Bethune, James III or the Royal Parricide: a tragedy or historical Drama, c.1820.
- Reference:GB 227 msPR4109.B3
- Dates of Creation:1783, c.1820.
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:1 volume, 130pp . Binding: Brown paper on boards. Paper: 20.3x26.5cm
Scope and Content
John Bethune, James III or the Royal Parricide: a tragedy or historical Drama.
p.i [Folded folio sheet bound into the volume(4pp) on this page] an exemplification, in the hand of John Bethune, of an instance of privation of right from his own family circumstances on the death of Henry Bethune with title contested by William Chalmers WS in June 1783, John Bethune being one claimant to the estate of Henry Bethune by right of his mother Janet, full sister to Henry, and Margaret, half sister to Henry and wife to William Chalmers the other claimant. The declaration carries the story to 1819.
pp.v-vii a prefatory letter from John Bethune to Francis Jeffrey esq giving his reasons for writing the play. Signed John Bethune.
p.ix Title page.
p.xi Dramatis personae.
pp.1-7 Historical introduction
pp.1-118 James III or the Royal Parricide: a tragedy or historical Drama. Concerning Archibald Douglas, earl of Angus, in an attempt to revenge the fall of the earl of Arran during the reign of James III.
Administrative / Biographical History
John Bethune appears to have grown up in impoverished cirumstances and spent most of his adult life chasing his inheritance as heir at law to his uncle Henry Bethune. The latter had died unmarried but left his estate to his half-sister as his full sister, John's mother, was deemed incapable, possibly insane. After the half-sister and her husband died, the estate was contested by a number of parties, including John Bethune.
Single item
Access Information
By appointment with the Keeper of Manuscripts. Access to records containing confidential information may be restricted.
Acquisition Information
Formerly in the University Muniment Room.
Call number used to be ms4000
Other Finding Aids
Individual Manuscripts and Small Collections database available as part of Manuscripts Database.
Archivist's Note
Description compiled by Maia Sheridan, Archives Hub project archivist, based on material from the Manuscripts Database
Conditions Governing Use
Applications for permission to quote should be sent to the Keeper of Manuscripts. Reproduction subject to usual conditions: educational use and condition of documents.
Custodial History
Bookplate of James Maidment.
Personal Names