Kinloch books and articles
- Reference:GB 254 MS 373/2/44
- Dates of Creation:c 1998
- Physical Description:1 concertina folder
Scope and Content
Correspondence from Colin Kinloch to Laura Adam regarding research and personal life. In pen Laura Adam's hand has written 'Copy for Adam'. 4 August 1998. Copy of '201rasme et L'espagne' by Marcel Bataillon [in French]. Printed in Geneva in 1991. Copy of a portrait of George Kinloch. n.d. Copy of excerpts from 'Cardinal Quiroga', [in segments A and D]. n.d. Copy of excerpt from Bibliotheca Bibliographica Historiae Sactae Inquisitiones, Volumes 1 & 2 by van der Werke. Includes handwritten annotations by Laura Adam. Inter-library request from Adam for an article called 'El Cardenal Quiroga re Fratado por el Greco' in 'Archivo espanol de Arte y arqtieo logia' volume IX, printed in 1928. 27 May 1998. 'Sonetos del Sigla de Oro: Golden Age Spanish Sonnets' internet article. Printed 2000. 'El Nombre De Quiroga' internet article [in Spanish]. Printed 2000. Handwritten notes by Adam with a note to 'Paul' in two languages [in English and Spanish]. n.d. Library request by Adam for 'English Men & the Spanish Inquisition' by Croft, published in the English Historical Review in 1972. 6 October 1998. 'Carmelite Order' from the Catholic Encyclopedia, found on the internet. Printed 2000. 'The Spirituality of the Carmelites of the Ancient Observance' written by Bl. Titus Brandsma, printed off internet. Printed 2000. 'Carmelites' internet article from Encarta Learning Zone. Printed 2000. 'Great Carmelite Figures' internet article, with handwritten annotation. Printed 2000. 'Le Mont Carmel' internet article, with handwritten annotation by Adam [in French]. Printed 2000. 'Teresa of Ávila, Saint' internet article from Encarta Learning Zone. Printed 2000. Copy of segment from 'Three Scottish Carmelite Friaries Excavations at Aberdeen, Linlithgow and Perth 1980-1986' printed by the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. 1989. Handwritten notes by Adam about 'Cals of State Papers'. n.d. Excerpt from 'Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Spanish Language in the British Museum' by Don Pascual de Gayangos, Volume III. Printed in 1881. Excerpt from 'Index to the Additional Manuscripts, with those of the Egerton Collection, preserved in the British Museum, and acquired in the years 1783-1835'. Copy of 'The Inquisition and Popular Culture in New Castile' by Jean-Pierre DeDieu from 'Inquisition and Society in Early Modern Europe' by S Haliczer. Handwritten annotation by Adam says 'L's copy'. n.d. Copy of 'L'administration de la foi' by Jean-Pierre DeDieu [in French]. Printed 1989. Copy of 'Les archives de l'inquisition, source pour une etude anthropologique des vieux-chretiens. Unexemple et quelques reflexions' by Jean Pierre DeDieu [in French]. n.d. 'Dundee Doctors in the Sixteenth Century' by R.C. Buist printed in Edinburgh Medical Journal. 1930. Copy of 'Peter Goldman's Description of the Desolation of Dundee' by R.C.B. printed in The British Medical Journal. 12 March 1927. Copy of 'Dr. David Kinloch (Kynalochus) 1559-1617' by R.C. Buist printed in The British Medical Journal. 1 May 1926. Copy of segments from 'Cardinal Quiroga Inquisitor General of Spain' by Maurice Boyd. Printed in Dubuque, Iowa. Copy of 'The Inquisition in Early Modern Europe: Studies on Sources and Methods' edited by Gustav Henningsen and John Tedeschi in association with Charles Amiel. Printed in Dekalb, Illinois, 1986. Copy of 'The Whole Course of Chirurgerie' by Peter Lowe, a facsimile of the first edition of 1597 with engravings from the second edition of 1612. Printed in 1981. 'A Note on the Life of Peter Lowe, Scotchman, Arellian, Doctor in the Facultie of Chirurgerie in Paris, and Chirurgion ordinarie to the most victorious and christian King of Fraunce and Navarre' by Laurance Scott. n.d. Scottish Society of the History of Medicine Report of Proceedings Session 1994-95 and 1995-96. Scottish Society of the History of Medicine proposed revised constitution. July 1999. Scottish Society of the History of Medicine council nomination form and agenda for 1999 annual general meeting. Scottish Society of the History of Medicine circular. 15 September 1999. Order forms for Exploring Scottish History 2nd Edition edited by Michael Cox and Antimony in Medical History by R. Ian McCallum. 'Early Dundee Doctors' by Dr. J. Kinnear with handwritten annotation. n.d. Copy of segment of 'Reliquiae Antiquae Scoticae: Illustrative of Civil and Ecclesiastical Affairs from original manuscripts' [in English, Scots, and Latin]. Includes handwritten annotation. Printed in Edinburgh, 1848. Correspondence from Colin Kinloch to Adam. 27 January 1999. Photocopy of 'A List of Unique, Valuable, and Interesting Works, chiefly illustrative of Scottish History and Antiquities' prepared and published by Thomas George Stevenson. Printed in Edinburgh in 1848. Copy of 'Dr David Kinloch: Mediciner to His Majestie, James IV' by K. G. Lowe, printed in the Scottish Medical Journal in 1991. Copy of 'Lucrecia's Dreams: Politics and Prophecy in Sixteenth-Century Spain' by Richard L. Kagan. 1990. Copy of segment from 'Inquisition and Society in Spain in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries' by Henry Kamen. 1985. Copy of 'Toleration and Dissent in Sixteenth-Century Spain: The Alternative Tradition' by Henry Kamen printed in Sixteenth Century Journal XIX, No. 1. 1988. Copy of title page of 'Les 200cossais en France' printed in London in 1862. n.d. Copies of paintings and photos of Don Rodrigo de Lafuente, Vista de Toledo, and El Cigarral de Buenavista [photo descriptions in Spanish]. Copy of 'From the Muses Welcome. At St Andrews 11.7.1617' [in Latin]. 1617. Translation and translation description of Kinloch's Ode, written in 1617. Translation 25 January 1999. Inter-library loan for Adam for 'Mary Stuart' by Macgunn. 25 January 1999. Handwritten list by Adam of photos to be copied. n.d. Thirteen copies of portraits of early-modern European royalty and churchmen, focused mainly on Mary of Guise and James V. Copy of segment from 'Mary Stuart' by Florence A. Maccunn, second edition. n.d. Copy of excerpt from 'History of the Progress and Suppression of the Reformation in Italy' by Thomas McCrie. 1856. Copy of segment of 'A History of Medical Education from the most remote to the most recent times' by Theodor Puschmann, translated and edited by Evan H. Hare. 1891. Adam's handwritten notes on The Scottish Historical Review. n.d. Copy of excerpts from The Scottish Historical Review Vol 9. 1911-1912. Copy of segment from 'Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot133 Scottish-Danish Relations c. 1450-1707' Volumes I & II by Thomas Riis. 1988. Copy of the chapter by Thomas Riis in Smout's 'Scotland and Europe, 1200-1850'. 1986. Correspondence between Adam and Iain Flett of Dundee City Archives, including a copy of a page in the Dundee Burgh Protocol Book that mentions William Kinloch. 14 July 1998. Copy of excerpt from 'Scotland's Music' by John Purser, focusing on the songs written by William Kinloch. n.d. Copy of excerpt from The Scottish Historical Review Volume Twelfth. 1915. Copy of excerpt from The Scottish Historical Review Volume Fifth. 1908. Copy of excerpt from The Scottish Historical Review Volume Ninth. 1912. Copy of excerpts from The Scottish Historical Review Volume II. 1905. Copy of excerpts from The Scottish Historical Review Volume IV. 1907. Article excerpts regarding the Spanish Inquisition documents with a copy of 'List of Inquistors-General'. n.d. Copy of segments from 'Beitr228ge zur Geschichte des spanischen Protestantismus und der Inquisition im sechzehnten Jahrhundert' Volumes I, II, and III by Dr. Ernst Sch228fer [in German]. 1902. 'Toledo by All About Spain' internet article. Printed 2000. Handwritten notes by Adam entitled 'Authors in 16th C.' and 'Copy from Villanueva'. n.d. Copy of segment from 'La Inquisicion Espa241ola: Nueva visión, nuevos horizontes' by Joaquin Perez Villanueva [in Spanish]. 1980. Copy of handwritten list of sources and page numbers by Adam Yagüi-Beltrán. n.d. Correspondence from Adam to Yagüi-Beltrán about library references. Includes more references and page numbers in pencil, written by Yagüi-Beltrán. 13 March 1998. Excerpt of 'Medieval Scotland: An Archaelogical Perspective' by Peter Yeoman. n.d.
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