Dundee University medical newspaper clippings
- Reference:GB 254 MS 373/1/10
- Dates of Creation:1994-1999
- Physical Description:1 bundle
Scope and Content
Newspaper clipping copy of 'Fry-up in a cup offers hope for future' by Sue Leonard from 'SoS' 9 February 1997. Newspaper clipping copy of 'Medical study aims to get to the heart of a fatty issue' from 'C' ('The Courier'?) 10 February 1997. Newspaper clipping copy of 'New blood needed' from 'Saturday Post' 9 February 1997. Newspaper clipping of 'Appointed to new chair' about gerontologist Mario McMurdo. n.d. Newspaper clipping copy of 'Haggis's place in Scots culinary heritage' from 'The Courier and Advertiser'. 4 March 1997. Newspaper clipping copy of 'Pill that can chase away the blues' by Brian Lironi and 'Coach smash victims return home' from 'The Express'. 14 October 1996. Newspaper clipping of 'Victims of abuse or bone disease?' from 'The Courier'. n.d. Newspaper clipping of 'New pill to put an end to suffering'. n.d. Newspaper clipping of 'ME-an uncertain condition' from 'The Courier and Advertiser' 14 September 1994. Newspaper clipping copy of 'Study to fight effects of diabetes' from 'The Courier and Advertiser' 28 May 1997. Newspaper clipping of 'Aiming to improve health of elderly' from 'Advertiser' 16 June 1997. Newspaper clipping of 'Injured nurse returns to see unit opening' from 'The Courier and Advertiser' 24 June 1997. Newspaper clipping of ''Nothing sinister' in PRI referrals' from 'The Courier and Advertiser' 6 September 1999. Newspaper clipping of 'High risk of heart disease for women highlighted' by Marjory Inglis from 'The Courier and Advertiser' 5 June 1999. Newspaper clipping of 'Court Circular' from 'Times' 7 July. Newspaper clipping of photo of Charles D. Forbes and others celebrating 100 years of Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland, along with attached note from Dorothy to Forbes. n.d. Newspaper clipping of photo of Robert McLaren and Liz Mussen with check for The Institute of Cardiovascular Research. n.d. Newspaper clipping of photo of Scottish Heart and Arterial disease Risk Prevention with Charles Forbes. n.d. Newspaper clipping of 'Ancient Chinese tree puts finger on cure'. n.d. Newspaper clipping of photo of Marion McMurdo, Dorothy Dobson, and Roddy Reid. n.d. Newspaper clipping copy of 'Legal move by former health board' by James Rougvie. n.d.
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Open for consultation subject to preservation requirements. Access must also conform to the restrictions of the Data Protection Act (2018), General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, 2018) and any other relevant legislation or restrictions. Clinical information is closed for 100 years.
Archivist's Note
Description compiled by Andrea Thompson, Archive volunteer
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Reproduction is available subject to preservation requirements. Charges may be made for this service, and copyright and other restrictions may apply; please check with the Duty Archivist.
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