Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of Police Commissioners' papers
- Reference:GB 228 AS/Kstn/17/13
- Dates of Creation:1880s-1904
- Physical Description:1 bundle
Scope and Content
Draft disposition with Inventory of Writs by Mrs Elizabeth Valentine or Drummond and Alexander Valentine in favour of the Commissioners, 1891.
Letter from the local Inspector of Factories and Workshops with list of workshops in Stonehaven, 1896.
Correspondence re. appointment to Kincardineshire County Committee, 1896.
Papers relating to 1900 election.
Committee Reports 1889.
Offer for kerbstones, 1892,
Memorial from the members of the Stonehaven Swimming and Humane Society and others re. salt water pond, 1891.
Copy of complaint from John Knowles re. the condition of his rented property, 1895.
Report from Burgh Surveyor re. properties without water and sewerage, 1898.
Report of nuisance re. property of Trustees of Late John Smart, 1892.
Petition from occupiers and owners of premises in Allardice St. 1891.
List of articles required for Dunnottar Hose Reel to make complete, 1890.
Papers relating to 1899 election.
Application to erect Telegraph pole 1897.
Correspondence received by the Town Clerk re. nuisances, building work, drainage, sanitation,
Petition of owners of property in Urie Crescent and Duke Street, 1904.
Petition re. state of road between Bridge of Cowie and Mineral Well, nd.
Paving outstanding accounts.
Nomination of councillor for Fetteresso Parish Council.
Draft resolution of Police Commissioners re. Great North of Scotland Railway Bill
Memorial from Scottish National Sabbath School Union re. sunday trading.
Copy Letter from Local Government Board dismissing sanitary inspector, 1896.
Headed Letter from George Gilbert re. state of pavements 1896
Report from Medical Officer, 1896.
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