Stonehaven Harbour Trust: Envelope of correspondence, mainly with government departments
- Reference:GB 228 AS/Kstn/6/13/3
- Dates of Creation:1920s-1930
- Physical Description:1 envelope
Scope and Content
Letter from Henderson & Nicol and Public Works Loan Board regarding works on the Fish Jetty, 1922-1927;
Correspondece with Northern Lighthouse Board, 1928;
Application for a store from Peter & J. Johnstone, fish salesmen, 1928;
Petition from fishermen asking for end to prohibition on gathering bait at the harbour, 1928;
Letters from Mercantine Marine Department re. the pilotage district, 1926-9;
Petition from fishermen re. due for landing crabs, 1930;
Letter from Fishery Board re. complaint re. removing shingle from the beach, 1930;
Letters from Fishery Board and Public Works Loan Board regarding repairs to North Pier, 1930;
Observations on Stonehaven Pilotage Byelaws from the Chamber of Shipping of the United Kingdon, 1926;
Correspondence with coastguard re. Gale Warning SIngals, 1926;
Letter from Arbroath Harbour re. laon of their dredger, 1926;
Peter Tawse's tender for extension of Stonehaven Harbour, 1904.
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