Stonehaven Harbour Trust: Bundle of papers
- Reference:GB 228 AS/Kstn/6/9/20
- Dates of Creation:1826-1911
- Physical Description:1 bundle of 34 items
Scope and Content
1 Stonehaven Harbour Debt table nd
2 Stonehaven Harbour List of Applicants for Debentures, c. 1883
3 Petition to Trustees by Fishermen and fishcurers vs increase in rates nd
4 Table of Shore dues, extract of Council Minutes from 1694
5 Letter re. Provisional Order for Stonehaven Order 29 Nov 1890
6 Agreement with George Brown for collecting dung 1824
7 Draft Subscription page for Stonehaven Harbour improvements 1825
8 Advertisement for Herring curer 1846
9 Articles of roup for Herring Stance, Stonehaven Shore 1826
10 Copy Report Trustees by Robert Stevenson 1826
11 Copy Disposition by Commissioners to George Jack 1830
12 Stonehaven Harbour Byelaws Notice 14 Nov 1877
13 Advertisement for Herring Fishers 1838
14 Subscriptions for Barometer 1852
15 Letter Bailie Christian to Harbour Clerk as to sum collected for Herring Curing Stances 8 Feb 1859
16 Draft letter to Fishery Board, post 1884.
17 Notice from Board of Fisheries 1852
18 Letter of Alexander Kinnear to James Tindall, Clerk re. street Cleansing and associated Minutes 1869
19 List of documents relative to the Harbour borrowed by Alexander Brebner 1873
20 Stonehaven Harbour Trust List of Assignments 1883
21 Copy draft letter to Sir George Balfour MP for Kincardineshire from Guilio Melisurgo regarding changes at the Harbour c. 1872 - 1892
22 Stonehaven Harbour Tracings and soundings plans 1883
23 Petition to Sheriff Court for grant of admission of Alexander Blair Junior to Montrose Asylum nd
24 Stonehaven Harbour Trust accounts 1880
25 Stonehaven Harbour Trust List of Assignments 1883
26 Report by D. & T. Stevenson C.E. as to the extension of Stonehaven Harbour 1884
27 Sea Fisheries (Scotland) Amendment Bill 1885
28 National Debt and Local Loans Bill 1887
29 Letter re. estimate from James Barron 1890
30 Stonehaven Journal with notice re. order for construction and maintenance works 2 April 1891
31 Notice of meeting re. Harbour Extension 1890
32 Copy of statement of Revenue and Expenditure 1906
33 Printed Statement re. the Harbour, supplied to ratepayers to make decision relating to Government grant/loan 1911
34 Stonehaven Harbour Declaration and Estimate re Provisional Order April 1911
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