Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of correspondence received by Town Clerk
- Reference:GB 228 AS/Kstn/3/2/29
- Dates of Creation:1926
- Physical Description:1 bundle
Scope and Content
Includes letters concerning: guide books; committee of management for Mackie Academy; Stonehaven Shopping week; unemployment benefits for Ida Lindsay; stalls in square; hockey pitch; maternity and child welfare; feus; telegraph posts; rent; Westfield road footpath; camping ground at harbour; complaint from Peter & J. Johnstone re. squatters re. harbour (on headed letter paper); Kings Roll Committee, Aberdeen; venereal diseases; Smoke Abatement League; bands; flag days; live saving apparatus rocket test in the football park; rates; D’Agostino’s garage; application for attendant position; Isolation Hospital; Model Lodging House; byelaws; camping facilities; road classification; housing of the working classes scheme subsidy; librarian; complaint re. paint on police constable's coat; proposed shooting gallery; water supply; post office; Civilian War Claimants Association; motor boats; Public Works Loans Board application.
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