Stonehaven Burgh: Loose papers relating to Police Commissioners
- Reference:GB 228 AS/Kstn/17/10
- Dates of Creation:1891-1896
- Physical Description:5 documents
Scope and Content
Letter from D. Carr, Clerk of Fetteresso and Rickarton School Board to Robert Falconer, Town Clerk requesting a residual grant from the Police Commsisioners to continue woodwork and cookery classes in schools, 11 Apr 1892
Notice of assessments in Dunnottar and Fetteresso Districts 1894-5
Report by George Murdoch to Stonehaven Burgh Commissioners 8 June 1896 Re. problems laying pipes in Gurney Street, dangerous steps at corner of Evan Street and Arduthie Street, need for sewer ventilation at Bath Street, and filter finished at intake of burn
Report on Annual Inspection of Apparatus and Practice of Fire Brigade to Fire Extinguishing Committe 10 Oct 1891 Lists members of brigade
Return by Local Authority applying for loan for construction of Water Works 26 Nov 1895 Questionnaire re. contractors, management, average rainfall in area etc.
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