Stonehaven Town Council: Bundle of letters and circulars received.
- Reference:GB 228 AS/Kstn/18/13
- Dates of Creation:1908-1911
- Physical Description:1 bundle
Scope and Content
Letter from the Scottish Children's League of Pity re. pageant 1908
Correspondence with Board of Trade re. trains to Edinburgh. 1908
Draft regulations of Stonehaven Lodging House, 1908.
Petition from residents re. crossing at County buildings, 1908.
Letter from Pharmaceutical Society re. Poisons Act, 1909.
Letter from Post Office re. alerations to Post Office service at Stonehaven, 1909.
Correspondence with Local Government Board re. houses let as lodgings - local Sanitary Inspector refers to "class of people" in the houses concerned -"The class embraces Hawkers, Jewish Peddlers, Foreign Musicians, Italian Onion Venders, Travelling Cutlers &c", 1909.
Estimate for fencing of Land of Cowie, 1910.
Analyst's report unde Food and Drugs Act, 1910.
Letter re. flooding at Telephone Office on Margaret St., 1910.
Registration of Clubs form, 1910 & 1911.
Applications for appointment of Keeper at Lodging House, 1911.
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