Stonehaven Town Council: Bundle of papers sent to Town Clerk.
- Reference:GB 228 AS/Kstn/18/8
- Dates of Creation:1905-1909
- Physical Description:1 bundle
Scope and Content
Petition re. footpath on Dunnottar Avenue, 1909.
Copy of veterinary surgeon return, 1909.
Circular letter from Tottenham Urban District Council re. unemployed workmen. 1905.
Letter from the Clerk of Robert Gordon's College re. the proposed Technical College, 1906.
Application to erect army recruiting posters, 1906.
Requisition of ratepayes for changing holiday, 1906.
List of hotels on Stonehaven Bay Hotel paper, with illustration on letterhead.
Minutes and report to Advertising Committee, 1906.
Petition by Town's employees re. increase of wages.
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