Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of letters and circulars received labelled "1916"
- Reference:GB 228 AS/Kstn/3/2/20
- Dates of Creation:1916
- Physical Description:1 bundle
Scope and Content
Many relate to the local impact of the First World War (World War One).
Registration of clubs form.
Circulars from the Scottish Office re. liquor control under the Defence of the Realm Act, Defence of the Realm Regulations, pamphlet re. substitution of women in industry for enlisted men, contribution to cost of roads, and early closing of shops.
Circulars from the Local Government Board re. dilution of spirits order.
Flag days held to raise funds.
J.F. Tocher's application for Public Analyst post.
Letter from Chief Constable re. lighting of burgh.
Letters from Aberdeen and District Prisoner of War Bureau.
Conditions of let for Cowie Park.
Circular from Convention of Royal Burghs re. Belgian Refugees.
Letter from British Women's Temperance Association, Stonehaven Branch.
Letter re. J. Emslie's boats from Boats and Parks Committee convener.
Letter from a Glasgow Committee re. enemy aliens.
Ministry of Munitions re. cancellation of August holiday for war effort.
Return relating to Summer Time Act.
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