Notebook titled 'G.H. Beale / 1947/8'
- Reference:GB 237 Coll-1255/5/9
- Dates of Creation:March-May 1948
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:1 notebook19.5 x 25.9cm 1 notebook19.5 x 25.9cm
Scope and Content
Notebook contains daily laboratory notes relating to experiments on the velocity of absorption of 'D' antibodies in transforming animals and rates of immobilisation at different temperatures with antisera.
The page numbering begins with '44', so there may have been another notebook preceding this one which is not present.
Also contains loose leaf notes titled 'Seminar on transformation work' and 'More detailed study of transformation process' and a typescript page titled 'Summary of report by G.H. Beale (1948)'.
Administrative / Biographical History
These notes were most probably made when Beale was working in Indiana University, Bloomington, in Tracy Sonneborn's laboratory. At this time Beale was studying the change from serotype D to serotype B of stock 51 (variant 4). The cells were treated with an immunising and potentially lethal solution containing anti-D antibodies, which lead to the cells becoming 'resistant' to the immunising action. Tracy Sonneborn had previously shown that the 'sensitive' and 'resistant' types of cell were 'hereditary'. Beale demonstrated that this change involved a replacement of the initial antigen (D) by another one (B) which could take place in every cell which was treated, and that for an intermediate period, both antigens could be detected in a single cell. Beale published a paper on the subject in 1948 entitled 'The process of transformation of antigenic type in Paramecium' which appeared in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA (34, 418-423).
Corporate Names