Hutcheson Munimenta (volume II)
- Reference:GB 1784 HILL/30/136b
- Alternative Id:GB 1784 Sh83.2
- Dates of Creation:1200/1912
Scope and Content
Hutcheson Munimenta Volume II
Hutcheson Titles, Part VI A: Lands of Gairbraid etc, 1581-1606
1. “Johne Hutchesone. Sesing in the landis in Gairbraid, 1581.”
2. Instrument of Sasine in favour of John Hutcheson in Gairbraid and Agnes Anderson his wife, 1588.
3. “Seasing grantit to Wm Andersone and his spous of the xx,s,xd [20/10d] land in Gairbraid” 1597.
4. “Charter of heretable alienaone but without redemptione of ye fourtie schilling tuentie penny land of Gairbraid grantit be Mr Johne Hay (Feuditarius trarum) Rector of Renfrew and his spous Margaret Hamiltoun to Williame Andersone of Stobcors and his spous” 1600.
5. “Charter of heretable alienaone of the fourtie schilling tuentie penny land of Gairbraid (qlk pertenit to Mr Johne Hay) grantit be the Gudman of Stobcors with consent of Janet Maxwell his spous to George Huchesone of Lambhill and Elizabeth Craig his spouse, but ony redemptione” 1600.
6. “Charter and Infeftment grantit be the Persone of Renfrew to George Huchesone and Elizabeth Craig of the 40/20 land of over Gairbraid To be halden of ye superior” 1600.
7. “George Huchesones Seising of his landis of Gairbraids” 1600.
8. “Ratificaone to George Huchesone and his aires of his landis witin the baronie of Glasgow” 1606.
9. Charter by Mr John Hay, Rector of Renfrew of the40/20 land of Gairbraid in favour of George Hutcheson and Elizabeth Craig Spouses, 1600, unexecuted.
10. “Ane Inventar of the Wryts and Evidentis of Nether Gairbraid.”
Hutcheson Titles, Part VI B: 16/8d Land of Gairbraid, 1582-1635
1. Charter of Confirmation by King James VI of Scotland of Feu Charter granted by the Archbishop with consent of Dean and Chapter of the Metropolitan Church of Glasgow to William Duncan of the 16/8d land of Gairbraid, 19th November 1582.
2. “Instrument of Sasine in favour of John Duncan in Gairbraid of the16/8d land in Gairbraid on Charter of Novodamus by King James as in right of all Archbishops lands, dated 20th April 1596.”
3. Precept of Clare Constat by John, Archbishop of Glasgow in favour of Janet Duncan, for infefting her as heir of John Duncan her father in a 16/8d land in Gairbraid dated 13th November 1606.
4. Instrument of Sasine in favour of Janet Duncan in a 16/8d land in Gairbraid proceeding on Precept of Clare Constat by John, Archbishop of Glasgow in her favour as heir of her father dated 3rd November 1612.
5. Charter granted by Alexander French in favour of John French his son of the 16/8d land in Gairbraid dated 25th August 1635 with confirmation by the Archbishop of Glasgow, dated 5th April 1636.
6. Instrument of Sasine in favour of Alexander French in liferent and John French in fee, 1635.
Hutcheson Titles, Part V 2: 1595-1642
1. “George Hutchesones Seasing of the merkland in nedder Carmyle with fisheing and pertinentis” dated 27th October 1598.
2. Conveyance by Norman Mackenzie, Burgess of Glasgow and Marion Turnbull his spouse in favour of George Hutcheson of Lambhill, of subjects in the Trongate dated 1st February 1600.
3. Discharge by Frederick Cunninghame and Mr John Cunninghame his brother in favour of George Hutcheson of Lambhill and others, dated 16th November 1609.
4. Contract between Matthew Stewart of Blawatehill and George Hutchesone of Lambhill for purchase of Wester Parthwie with “the landis of Bertoun, Luge, Yocker, Philipisland and Kylbrey now comounlie callit Blawathill” dated 25th May 1625.
5. Ratificatioun by the Laird of Mynto to George Hutchesone of the above sale of Blawarthill etc, dated 25th May 1625.
6. Extract Instrument of Sasine in favour of Matthew Stewart in the lands of Blawarthill etc, dated 6th September 1632.
7. Sasina Mariote Stewart Spous Magistri Thome Hutchesoun de Lambhill trium tenementorum aliorum infra script, dated 10th June 1640.
8. Lyfrent Chartour grantit be Mr Thomas Huchesoune to Mareoune Stewart his spous of his landis of Partik manor place yrof and of his 33/4d land of Ramshorne and Meadowflat, dated 15th October 1640.
9. Lyfrent Seasing grantit be Mr Thomas Huchesoune to Maronne Stewart his spous of the landis of Partik, manor place yrof and wtheris, dated 15th October 1642.
10. Seasing givin be Mr Thomas Huchesone to Marroune Stewart his spous in lyfrent, of his lands of Barrowfield and all wtheris his landis within the regalitie of Glasgow, dated 14th August 1641.
11. Sasine Bessete Hutchesone. Robert Hutchesone George ac Thome Pollokes pro indiviso in subjects in Trongate, dated 9th August 1642.
12. Inventar of the Wrytis and Evidents of the landis of Gairbraides Easter and Wester (from 1587 to 1600) Lambhill (from 1595 to 1606) Ramshorne, Midowflatt and uthers (from 1581 to 1609) underwritten Belonging to Master Niniane Hill heretablie and quhereof Mareoune Stewart relict of umquhill Master Thomas Hutchisoune of Lambhill is lyfrentar.
13. Ane Inventar of the Wrytts of Lambhill, 1579-1609.
Hutcheson Titles, Part V 3: 1607-1657
1. Charter or Precept by Jacobus VI for infefting George Hutchesoun, Notary in Glasgow in ‘Deanefeild’, dated 4th August 1607.
2. “George Hutchesounis Seasing of the landis of Deinfeild” 20th October 1607.
3. Charter grantit be George Hutchesoun in favouris of Mr Thomas Hutchesoun of the landis of Denfeild To be haldin of the Superior, dated 26th August 1639.
4. “Seasing of Mr Thomas Hutchesoun, 28th Augusti 1639.”
5. “Instrumentum Sasine Bessete Hutchisoun Sertie partis petie terre vocat Deanfeild de data 27 Junii 1642.”
6. “Instrumentum Sæsinæ Helenæ Hutchisoun tertie partis terre vocat Deanfeild de data 27th Junii 1642.”
7. “Instrumentum Sasine Jonætæ Hutchesoun tertie partis petiæ terre vocat Deanfeild de data 27th Junii 1642.”
8. “Chartir Georgii Duncan Terrar~n de Deanfeild,” 6th August 1642.
9. “Sasina Georgii Duncan Terrar~n de Deinfeild,” dated 3rd and recorded 9th March 1642.
10. “George Duncane Instrument of Seasing of the landis of Denfeild upoun ane precept under the Grit Seill,” dated 24th February and recorded 30th March 1648.
11. “Instrument of Seising Mr Johne Spreull off the landis of Deanfield,” dated 29th April and recorded 2nd May 1657.
Hutcheson Titles, Part V 4: Miscellaneous
1. Notanda by L. Hill L.L.D. of charters etc. of the lands of Lambhill, Ibrox, Carmyle or Hutchesontoune, Grenefield, Gairbraid, Partick, Drygate, Ronaldsyard, 1581-1654.
2. Inventory of Titles of Lands in Provanside, 1587-1688.
3. Charters, Retours, Acts and other Instruments appearing in the public records respecting the Regality and Barony of the Archbishoprick of Glasgow, 1489-1690.
Hutcheson Mortifications, Part VI
1. Draft of a Contract between the Provost, Bailies etc of Glasgow and George Hutcheson of Lambhill for founding a school in 1639.
2. Extract “Mortificatioune by George Hutchesoune of ane Hospital in Glasgow” dated 16th December 1639, recorded 22nd August 1640.
3. Facsimiles of the handwriting and signature of George Hutcheson in 1639 and Thomas Hutcheson in 1641.
4. “Contract betuix the Toune of Glasgow on the ane pt and Mr Thomas Hutchesoune on the uther pairt anent the ratifica’un of the Mortificatioun maid be umqlGeorge Hutchesone of Lambhill concerning the Hospital” dated 27th June 1640.
5. Facsimile of the signatures of the Provost, Bailies and of Mr Thomas Hutcheson to the Contract of Mortification dated 27th June 1640.
6. Coppie of the assignation Mr Thomas Hutchesoune to the Toune of Glasgow of the anetrentis of the money doittit to the Hospital be the last Mortificatioun.
7. Coppie of the Mortification Mr Thomas Hutcheson to the College of Glasgow, 13th May 1641.
8. Double of the Mortificatioun grantit be Mr Thomas Hutchesoune in favouris of the toune of Glasgow anent the Hospital, dated 9th March and 3rd July 1641.
9. A Brief account of the most material things concerning the Hutchesons Mortification prepared by Jo Brown dated 10th November 1696.
10. Some observable things gathered from the proceedings of the House from time to time as they are recorded in the Book. *
11. Note from Morrison’s Dictionary as to rights of Heirs of Donors.
12. Scots Act relating to Hospital etc Visitations, 1540-1649.