Hill Munimenta (volume III)
- Reference:GB 1784 HILL/30/135c
- Alternative Id:GB 1784 Sh83.2
- Dates of Creation:1200/1912
Scope and Content
Hill Munimenta Volume III
I: Genealogies etc.
1. Genealogical table in the handwriting of Mr James Smith of Jordanhill deducing descent of the Hills from King Robert the Bruce, through Robert, Duke of Albany, Earl of Angus, Carmichael of that Ilk, Lockhart of Lee, and Crawfurd of Jordanhill, given to W.H. Hill by Mr Smith in 1865.
2. Letter by Laurence Hill, L.L.D. to Thomas Hill of Merrylee anent the above, also deducing the family connection with the Boyds, Earls of Kilmarnock, no date.
3. Notanda in the handwriting of Mr James Smith of Jordanhill respecting the Hill family connections with the Hutchesons, Crawfurds of Jordanhill and of Kilburnie, Boyds, Robertosns, Graham of Kilmannan, Alexander Dunlop of Keppoch, John Dunlop of Gairbraid, Hamilton of Woodhall.
1) Genealogical table in the handwriting of Mrs Marion Hill (mother of W.H. Hill) so far on the basis of that drawn up by Mr Smith (No. 1 hereof) diverging to some extent, and amplifying and giving details and references to authorities, deduces the Royalty Connection through the Earls of Argyle and of Eglinton, Sommerville of Carmoath.
2) Abstract of the above also in Mrs Hill’s handwriting.
1) Genealogical table showing in parallel columns the decent of H.M. Queen Victoria from King Robert II and that of the Hills, deduced as above in the handwriting of, and with draft letter by, L. Hill, L.L.D. to W.H. Hill.
2) Copy of the above, dated 21st March 1855.
1-3) Scrolls connected with the foregoing.
7. Emblazon of the foregoing.
II: Crawfurd Papers 1577 et seq.
1. Crawfurd Coat of Arms Emblazonment - Rental Right & Kyndness of the 43/- land of Gairbraid.
1) Crawfurd Genealogy 1406-1685.
2. Bond of Caution by “Johne Hamyltoun of Bardowie, Thomas Crawfurde of Jurdanhill and Johne Colquhoun of Kilmardinny” for “Walter Crawfurde sone to David Crawfurde of Fermes. To ye richt honorable Maister Andro Haye persone of Renfrew, Jonet Wallis his spous,” dated 7th October 1577.
1) Petition by Robert Skaillie, servant to Lord Eglinton “nairest and kyndlie tennet in and to the Tuentie schilling land of Coschenochehill lyand w’thin the barronie of Glasgow” deriving right from the deceased Peter Colquhoun “burgess of Glasgow … last Rentaller yrof.”
Docquet or Interlocutor by the Duke of Lennox dated 31st October 1592, addressed to Lord Blantyre to “tak sic ordour ywt [therewith?] that yair be na causs of farder complent nor or rental nor seruice be diminischet.”
Precept by Lord Blantyre to his Baillie directing him to “call befoir yow in Courtis all pairteis yat claimes interest [---] kyndnessis and according thairto give furth your decreitt without Respect of ony rycht sett to ony of yame before except they may try yair kindness best for us.”
2) Copy of the above mentioned petition etc.
4. Copy contract of Marriage between “Thomas Crawfurde of Jordanehill Jonett Ker his spous for thameselffis and takand the burding on thame for Hew Crawfurde their sone lawfull on that ane parte and Williame Stirueling of Law, Margrat Crawfurde his spous for thameselffis and takand the burding on thame for Jonett and Elizabeth Stiruelingis their dochteris laufull on that uther parte” dated 5th December 1595.
5. Copy contract of Marriage between “Cornelius Crawfurde of Jordenhill with expres advyse and consent of Elizabeth Stirling his mother” and Marie Lockhart, daughter of Sir James Lockhart of Ley, Knycht, September 1625.
6. Genealogical notes by L. Hill, L.L.D. respecting viz. Mary Crawfurd or Hill and her ancestors.
7. Duplicate of the above amplified.
8. Notes by L. Hill, L.L.D. copied from the Pedigree Book at Over-Pollock, October 1853.
9. Notes by [---] deducing the Crawfurd Pedigree from King Robert III.
10. MS notes or Account of receipts connected with Jordanhill in 1687-1699.
11. Inventory of Writs relating to the lands of Jordanhill between the years 1562 and 1754 when they passed out of the Crawfurd Family.
12. List of the original papers relating to the Crawfurd family in the volume titled “Genealogical MSS 1549 et seq.” of Hill, Crawfurds etc.
13. Copy ext Regd Disposition and Settlement by Mrs Mary Crawfurd or Hill, relict etc, dated 1st June 1737.
14. Extract from Northern Notes and Queries anent the Wardship etc of Jean Crawfurd, only child, and alleged heiress of James Crawfurd of Auchinames in causa Hugh Montgomerie of Hasilwood-Beith, as assignee of James Earl of Glencairn 1596.
III: Graham of Dalsholm and Dunlop of Gairbraid
1. Note of the genealogy of the Dunlops of Gairbraid.
2. Note of the brothers and sister, by the full blood, and brothers and sisters consanqunean of Dr William Dunlop, alias ‘Tiger’ Dunlop of Gairbraid & Canada, children of Alexander Dunlop of Keppoch and 1st Janet Graham of Gairbraid, and 2nd Margaret Colquhoun Stirling of Edenbarnet.
3. Extract from the Last Will and Settlement of Doctor William ‘Tiger’ Dunlop containing amusing references to members of the family.
1) Copy of letter from John Dunlop to L. Hill, L.L.D. of 26th November 1858 with genealogy of the male branch of the Hills of Lambhill etc.
1&2) Letters by Thomas Hill of Merrylee to William H. Hill, 20th and 22nd September 1880.
1) Letter by Alexander Graham Dunlop of Gairbraid to W.H. Hill containing full and interesting information respecting the Dunlop family etc. dated 16th August 1881.
2) Letter by Alexander Graham Dunlop to W.H. Hill supplementary to the above, 24th August 1881.
3) Copy of the above two letters.
6. Letter by John Bowie Gilmour, Lithographer, Glasgow to W.H. Hill, dated 31st August 1881, as to his mother Janet Graham or Gilmour being “the eldest daughter of Robert Graham, only son (on the wrong side of the blanket) of Robert Graham of Kilmanan.” Mr Gilmour deduces his connection thus: Robert Graham of Kilmanan married “morganatically” a daughter of one of his tenants, who had only one son, Mr Gilmour’s grandfather, who afterwards became a protégé of Mrs Mary Hill or Graham, the legitimate wife of Robert Graham of Dalsholm and Kilmanan.
1&2) Letters by Ex Bailie Archibald Dunlop, Glasgow to W.H. Hill, anent the Gairbraid branch of the Dunlop family, dated 10th June, 19th August and 3rd and 10th September 1897.
8. Copy of letter from Mr George Williamson, Writer, Greenock per Arch Brown to Arch Dunlop dated 10th September 1897 with information respecting John Dunlop, tide surveyor, Greenock, and his family and the inscriptions on his tombstone in Church Yard, Greenock.
IV: Gray of Carntyne
1. Genealogical table showing the descendants of Margaret Hill, one of the daughters of Ninian Hill of Garioch and Helen Hutcheson, evidencing viz: Margaret Hill married James Pollock of Balgray, their issue being:
Robert Pollock, a stationer in Dublin
George Pollock, curate at Kilmarnock, who married his cousin, a daughter of the then Pollock of Balgray and
Elizabeth Pollock, who married Robert Chapman, and their son
John Chapman, married Helen Woodrop of Dalmarnock, and had issue Margaret Chapman, John Chapman Jr, Helen Chapman, Mary Chapman, and
Isabell Chapman who married John Gray, merchant, having issue John Gray, Robert Gray, James Gray, Helen Gray, Elizabeth Gray and Margaret Gray, their second son
Robert Gray of Carntyne married Mary Agnes Hamilton of Westburn, and their son
Reverend John Hamilton Gray, Rural Dean of Bolsover, married Elizabeth Caroline Johnstone, daughter of James Johnstone of Aloa, and had issue a daughter,
Caroline Maria Agnes Robina Hamilton Gray, who married
Lieut. Colonel John Anstruther Thomson of Charlton, and has issue.
Mary Chapman, daughter of John Chapman and Helen Woodrop married John Lyon, merchant in Port Glasgow, and had issue George Lyon, Robert Lyon, Jean Lyon, Mary and Elizabeth Lyon
The said Mary Lyon married James Dennistoun of Colgram and had issue George Dennistoun, Robert Dennistoun, William Dennistoun, Richard Dennistoun and Stevenson Dennistoun.
The said Elizabeth Lyon married William Dunlop, merchant in Port Glasgow and had issue Peter Dunlop, William Dunlop, John Dunlop, Ann Dunlop and Mary Dunlop.
2. Duplicate of the above (but not a copy) in the handwriting of L. Hill, L.L.D. and W.H. Hill.
3. Notanda connected therewith revised by Mrs Elizabeth Caroline Hamilton Gray, with note by her to W.H. Hill in 1868.
4. Copy of letter with the above pedigree by L. Hill, L.L.D. to Rev. John Hamilton Gray dated 15th January 1834 tracing his connection with George and Thomas Hutcheson through Marion Hill, daughter of Ninian Hill and Helen Hutcheson in handwriting of said Mrs E.C. Hamilton Gray. This connection may thus be deduced:
Marion Hill (baptised 30th July 1618) married - as his second wife - William Gray of Carntyne. Their second son
John Gray of Dalmarnock and Carntyne, married Annabella Gibson. Their son
John Gray of Dalmarnock and Carntyne, married Janet Anderson. Their son
John Gray of Dalmarnock and Carntyne, married Elizabeth Hamilton, daughter of Gabriel Hamilton of Newton. Their son
James Gray of Dalmarnock and Carntyne, married his cousin, also named Elizabeth Hamilton, a daughter of Thomas Hamilton also of Newton, and their son the above mentioned
John Gray married the said Isabell Chapman.
V: Hamilton of Cochna and Barns, and Ironside of Tannochside
1. Copy of letter by William Fraser L.L.D. Edinburgh to Claud Hamilton of Barns and Cochna dated 26th July 1862 anent the daughters of Zachary Maxwell of Blawarthill.
1&2) Letters by Miss Grace Hamilton of Cochna to W.H. Hill dated 27th and 31st August 1880.
3) Letter by Miss Marion Hamilton Dundas to W.H. Hill 25th September 1880.
4) Letter by R.D. MacKenzie to W.H. Hill anent Claud Hamilton Hamilton’s relationship to Miss Grace Hamilton and Claud Hamilton Brown dated 17th February 1881.
5) Letter by Peter Gardner to W.H. Hill anent the lands of Cochna dated 12th September 1881.
3. Notanda by W.H. Hill as to Hamiltons.
4. Jottings by W.H. Hill of descendants of Margaret, daughter of Ninian Hill and Helen Hutcheson.
5. Note of names on mural brass in the floor of the crypt in Glasgow Cathedral, of Hamiltons.
6. Notanda by L. Hill, L.L.D. as to the Hamiltons of Orbiston, Woodhall etc.
7. Inventory of writs relating to the lands of the Hamiltons of Woodhall, Thankerton etc. 1537-1609, and of the teinds 1618-1710.
8. Descendants of Ralph Anthony Ironside and Judith Dunn (sister of Eleanor Dunn or Hamilton) of Tannochside, 1796-1878.
VI: Robertson of Kinlochmoidart
1. Genealogical table showing the direct descent of William Robertson Esq. of Kinlochmoidart from Edward I, King of England.
VII: Bryson of Craigallion
1. Genealogical notanda by L. Hill, L.L.D. of the connections of the Brysons of Craigallion and inter alias Robertsons, Hamiltons of Woodhall, Crawfurd of Jordanhill, Henderson, Bogle, Campbell of Saddel, Peter of Crossbasket, Maxwell of Blawarthill, Hills.
2. Notes by L. Hill, L.L.D. copied from genealogical table by Thomas Grahame, Sparksford, lent to William Richard Grahame of the Moat, relating to the names above mentioned.
3. Notes in the form of a family tree anent the above by Thomas Hill with notanda on the back by L. Hill, L.L.D.
4. Copy of the above, amplified, including Lockhart of Lee, Dreghorn, Leitch.
5. Letter from James Dalrymple Duncan to W.H. Hill, dated 21st October 1886, respecting John Bryson, Commissary of Hamilton, his son John Bryson, Merchant Burgess of Glasgow, proprietor of Neilsland, and of subjects in Castle Street, Glasgow, John Bryson of Hartfield. (Note: see letter anent the Brysons by J Guthrie Smith to W.H Hill among papers relating to the Dreghorns.)
6. Extract from Glasgow Herald of 9th September 1897 being a letter from Mr E. Macgregor Chalmers on the subject of ‘Provan’s Lordship,’ a house said to be so designed at corner of Macleod Street and Cathedral Square and referring to ‘Bryson of Keilsland’ as formerly the proprietor.
VIII: Dreghorn of Ruchill
1. Letter by John Buchanan, L.L.D. (J.B.) to W.H. Hill dated 18th June 1872, anent Robert Dreghorn of Ruchill alias ‘Bob Dragon’ and Allan Dreghorn, and dates etc.
2. Letters by J. Guthrie Smith, Mugdock Castle, to W.H. Hill, dated 18th September and 5th October 1881 anent John Bryson of Craigallion and his three daughters: Isabella, wife, not of Allan, but of Robert Dreghorn; Marion, wife of John Hamilton of Barns; and Jean, wife of David, not Andrew Leitch of Kilmardinny. Also anent Allan Dreghorn of Ruchill, his brother Robert Dreghorn of Blochairn and Blochairn’s son ‘Bob Dragon.’
3. Genealogical notes by W.H. Hill respecting the Dreghorns of Ruchill with references to the titles of Ruchill, Blochairn etc, respecting also Spreul of Blochairn, Elizabeth Dreghorn, Margaret Dreghorn wife of James Denniston of Colgrain, Isabella Bryson Dennistoun wife of Gabriel Hamilton Dundas of Duddingstoun and Westburn, John Hamilton Dundas.
Extracts from the Retours of, viz:
Robert Dreghorn to his father Allan Dreghorn in 1765.
Mrs Isabella Bryson Dennistoun or Hamilton Dundas to her maternal aunt Elizabeth Dreghorn in the £4.6.8d land of Garioch etc, 1824. Makes mention of Allan Dreghorn’s sisters, Marion Dreghorn, Margaret Dreghorn, wife of James Scott, Merchant in Glasgow, and their sons, James, Allan and Robert Scott, and daughters, Margaret and Janet Scott.
Extracts from Decreet of Division of the lands of Ruchill and Garioch, among the five heiress portioners of James Peadie of Ruchill in 1748, viz:
Margaret Peadie, wife of William Colquhoun of Garscadden.
Grissel Peadie, wife of William Maxwell younger of Calderwood.
Mary Peadie, wife of John Coulter, Merchant, late Provost of Glasgow.
Agnes Peadie.
Janet Peadie.
IX: Buchanans of Ballat, Yuille of Darleith, Leitch of Kilmardinny
1. Pedigree of Margaret Buchanan, wife of Robert Grahame, copied from a genealogical table compiled by Alexander Grahame, Parliamentary Solicitor.
1-3) Genealogical table respecting the Leitches. Mentions inter alias: John Leitch of Kilmardinny, practically the founder of the Blind Asylum, Glasgow, who married Elizabeth, sister of Ralph Anthony Ironside of Tannochside; Barbara Lang, daughter of John Lang of Broomhill, and wife of James Frisby Leitch; Archibald Lang, Writer, Glasgow, son of said John Lang, whose eldest daughter, Christian Lang, died at 37 Garnethill Street, Glasgow on 3rd May 1885; James Lang, Writer, son of said John Lang, whose son, John Lang, Procurator Fiscal, Glasgow, died 24th November 1896, sine prole; George Murdoch, Lord Provost of Glasgow in 1766-8, whose daughter Margaret Murdoch was married to George Yuille of Darleith; William Shortridge; Peter McAdam of Easterhouse.
3. Genealogy of the Yuilles of Darleith, revised by George Strang Watkins, Witer, Glasgow, from Jean Bryson, daughter of John Bryson of Craigallion, and wife of said David Leitch of Kilmardinny, whose daughter Margaret Leitch was married to George Murdoch, Lord Provost. Mentions, inter alias: William Cross of Auchentoshan, William Shortridge, John Buchanan of Catter, Stirlingshire, James Hutton of Calderbank, Andrew Buchanan of Ardinconnel, Margaret Murdoch Yuille, daughter of George Murdoch Yuille, wife of Robert Strang, writer, Glasgow, and mother of George Strang Watkins, Herbert Buchanan, Robert Bogle of Shettleston.
X: Grahame of Annan, Mugdock etc.
1. Genealogical table of the Grahame family, per stirpes, drawn up by W.H. Hill, and revised by Alexander Grahame, Parliamentary Solicitor, Westminster, and others, being the draft of what appears as No. 88 to 102 inclusive in the volume titled ‘Pedigree of Hills etc,’ and fully indiced in that volume.
2. Letter (copy) by Thomas Grahame, W.S. (No. 99 of the above table) to William Richard Grahame (No. 95 thereof) dated Sparksford 30th December 1864, giving information respecting the Robertson, Bryson, Hamilton, Hill and Grahame connections as noted under these names.
3. Genealogical table (in pencil) by L. Hill, L.L.D. Mentions, inter alias: Marion Grahame, wife of John Lang of Broomhill; Jean Lang, wife of ---- Dickson of Leith; Archibald Grahame, banker, and his descendants; John Grahame of Mugdock and his daughters; Elizabeth Grahame, wife of William Anderson; Jean Grahame, wife of ---- Bryce; Barbara Grahame, wife of H. Tennent; James Frisby Leitch.
1&2) Cartoon and biographical memoir from ‘The Bailie’ 13th November 1889 of Thomas Grahame (No. 89 of No. 1 hereof) Scottish Agent for the Canadian Government.
1&2) Inscriptions on Tombstones in Annan Churchyard, respecting: William Grahame of Blatwood, 1690; Richard Grahame of Blatwood and his daughter Janet Grahame, wife of James Grahame, author of ‘The Sabbath’ and their sons Thomas Grahame, Advocate, of the Moat, William Richard Grahame, and their daughter Hannah Grahame.
XI: Glassford of Dougalston, Hopkirk of Dalbeth
1. Inscription on mural tablet on the South West corner of the Ramshorn Burying Ground immediately adjoining Ingram Street, of John Glassford of Dougaldson, his second wife Anne, daughter of Sir John Nisbet Bart of Dean, and his third wife, Lady Mary MacKenzie and of John Glassford’s children by both wives.
2. Copy of the Patent of Arms, and of their emblazonment, of Thomas Hopkirk of Dalbeth, fifth and only surviving son of Francis Hopkirk and Mary Paterson, which Francis was son of William Hopkirk of Consland, in the parish of Cranstoun, Midlothian, second son of John Hopkirk who was eldest son of John Hopkirk, a native of Germany, who settled in this country, dated said patent, 18th February 1774.
3. Copy of the Patent of Arms of James Hopkirk of Dalbeth, son of the said Thomas Hopkirk, dated 8th May 1815.
1) Letter by Thomas J. Hopkirk, Belfast, to L. Hill, L.L.D. therewith, dated 29th September 1858.
XII: Thomsons, Wights of Largnean
1. Note by Dr Allen Thomson of the names and dates of birth of the children of Dr William Thomson and Elizabeth Hill, also of Dr Allen Thomson and Ninian Jane Hill.
2. Letter from Professor John G. McKendrick, University, Glasgow, to W.H. Hill, dated 15th May 1884, enquiring respecting Dr Allen Thomson’s widow.
3. Obituary notices of Dr Allen Thomson.
4. Memoir of Dr Allen Thomson by Professor McKendrick, read at the meeting of the Philosophical Society of Glasgow on 30th April 1884, with a list of his philosophical writings.
5. Genealogical table of Thomsons, Wights and Hills, being the draft of what appears as Nos. 80 to 87, inclusive, in the volume titled ‘Pedigree of Hill etc.’ revised by Mrs Isabella Helen Thomson or Grahame No. 83/3, and John Millar Thomson, No. 87 thereof, and fully indiced in that volume.
XIII: Tait etc, Kippen of Busby
1. Letter by Mary Hill (daughter of James Hill of Gartloch), 27 Heriot Row, Edinburgh to W.H. Hill, dated 25th September 1880, respecting her maternal grandfather George Kippen, Virginian Merchant in Glasgow, and her brothers-in-law, the Revd Adam Tait of Kirkliston and the Revd William Tait and their respective families.
2. Notes by Mrs Margaret Ada Tait or Fisher (No. 71 of No. 3 hereof), wife of Revd R.H. Fisher, Skelmorlie, of the names and dates of birth of the children of Robert Hutchison of Carlowrie, and Mary Jemima Tait, and other Taits.
3. Genealogical table of (1) the children of James Hill of Gartloch and Busby, being the draft of what appears as Nos. 70-72 and (2) of Robert Hill, W.S. Nos. 73-79 inclusive in the volume titled ‘Pedigree of Hills etc.’ revised by Thomas Hill of Merrylee, No. 77 thereof, and fully indiced in that volume.