Papers of Violet Meikle McGlashan
- Reference:GB 1694 DC 022/1
- Dates of Creation:1888-1900
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:3 items.
Scope and Content
Watercolour sketches and bookplate relating to Violet McGlashan.
Administrative / Biographical History
Attending GSA from 1888-1893, Violet McGlashan was a contemporary of Mackintosh, Margaret and Frances MacDonald, Jessie M. King, Muirhead Bone and many others. She studied drawing and design, winning Haldane Bursaries from 1889-1891.
Student Career:
1889 National Competition
2nd Grade Exam. Freehand Drawing 2nd Class
2n Grade Exam.-Model Drawing 2nd Class
Haldane Bursary of 22/6
1890 Advanced Local .
Elementary Principles of Ornament 2nd Class
Model Drawing 1st Class; Excellent; Prize
Perspective 2nd Class
Science -P.P. & S. Geometry Pass
Haldane Bursary 23/
1891 Local
Design Ornament (23c) Advanced 1st Class
Plant Drawing in Outline (10a) Advanced 2nd Class
Outline Ornament from Cast Advanced Ist Class
Design -textiles 2n Place (tied)
Haldane Bursary 51/
1892 No: 157 Age: 19 Address: 15 N. Portland St. Occupation: Designer
Anatomy Advanced 2nd Class
Painting in Monochrome Advanced 2nd Class
Design -monthly competition 2nd Place
1893 No: 157 Age: 21 Address: 15 N. Portland St. Occupation: Designer
Drawing from Anatomy 2nd Class
Anatomy 2nd Class
Design -Advanced 2nd Class
Principles of Ornament -Advanced 2nd Class
Model Drawing -Advanced 1st Class
Freehand Drawing -Advanced 1st Class
Drawing in Light & Shade -Advanced 1st Class
Access Information
Glasgow School of Art Archives and Collections are open for research by appointment.
Appraisal Information
This material has been appraised in line with Glasgow School of Art Archives and Collections standard procedures.