Correspondence between Pontecorvo and Renato [Dulbecco] concerning Pontecorvo's desire for a change of scenery and a possible move to the United States
- Reference:GB 248 UGC 198/2/2/10/18
- Dates of Creation:March 1962
- Physical Description:1 letters (2 pages)
Scope and Content
In the copy of the letter written by Pontecorvo to Dulbecco he explains how he is starting to think he has "been too long in Glasgow" and that a change would be good for him. He blames the lack of "stimulating groups" and the "administrative atmosphere" which was starting to depress him. He outlines the possibility of moving to the United States, somehwhere in "New York or on the Pacific Coast (expect LA)," and asks Dulbecco to keep him informed if he hears of any available research positions in these areas.
These letters do not relate to the job offer at Harvard but as Pontecorvo kept with the Harvard correspondence from 1957-1958, a decision was made to keep them in this arrangement.
Personal Names