Correspondence between Pontecorvo and Dr J C Cain, of the National Research Development Corporation, concerning their decision not to pursue his parasexual cycle patent application in Denmark due to objections from the Danish Patent Office
- Reference:GB 248 UGC 198/3/4/2/1/2
- Dates of Creation:Aug 1960
- Physical Description:2 letters (2 pages)
Scope and Content
The correspondence does not explicitly state what the objections were but Cain does comment that "in the light of the continued doubtful commercial value of the technique, I think the decision to let the Danish position go at this stage is sensible".
Administrative / Biographical History
The National Research Development Corporation (NRDC) was a non-departmental government body established by the British Government to transfer technology from the public sector to the private sector. It was established by Attlee's Labour government in 1948 to meet a perceived need at the time to exploit the many products that had been developed during World War II by the Defence Research Establishments.
Corporate Names