Copy of James Dewey ("Jim") Watson's Honest Jim, an early typescript draft manuscript of what later became known as the The Double Helix: a personal account of the discovery of the structure of DNA (1968)
- Reference:GB 248 UGC 198/7/5/1/1
- Dates of Creation:Mar 1967
- Physical Description:1 draft manuscript (152 pages)
Scope and Content
The manuscript is titled Honest Jim by James Dewey ("Jim") Watson and signed "To Ponte from Jim, March 29 1967". This is an annotated photocopy of the manuscript not the original typescript. The annoatations are likely to be Watson's rather than Pontecorvo's (it doesn't look like his handwriting). There is a handwritten note written by Pontecorvo, dated 28 June 1995, which has been stuck to the inside cover of the manuscript. It reads "This is the early draft of "The Double Helix" which Jim gave me by hand for comments. It is a valuable historical document. Keep it carefully".
Personal Names