Correspondence between Pontecorvo and various members of staff at the National Research Development Corporationabour embarking on a joint research scheme
- Reference:GB 248 UGC 198/3/4/2/3/5
- Dates of Creation:Nov 1952
- Physical Description:8 letters (12 pages)
Scope and Content
The NRDC planned to contribute to the applied side of Pontecorvo's research "with a view ultimately to testing out the practical results on a pilot-plant scale" and they were keen to employ a researcher to work under Pontecorvo's supervision. Pontecorvo was keen to stress that they would be investigating the applicability of his technique to "species of industrial importance other than Aspergillus niger" as he had already discovered that genetic recombination occured in this asexual species.
Also includesc opy of a letter sent from Pontecorvo to Sir Hector Hetherington explaining the joint research scheme.
Corporate Names