Central Africa Mining Company Limited
- Reference:GB 248 UGC 193/2
- Dates of Creation:1901-1911
- Name of Creator:
- Physical Description:1 volume and 2 booklets
Scope and Content
Administrative records, 1901-1911.
Administrative / Biographical History
The Central African Mining Company Limited was formed in April 1901 by a group of Glasgow businessmen, who were also involved with the African Lakes Corporation Ltd. The objects for which the company was established included to propsect for gold, silver, coal and other minerals; to examine and explore mines, purchase and acquire and sell mines and mining rights; the navigation of rivers and lakes of Africa, especially those that communicated with the Indian Ocean by the rivers Zambesi and Shiré; to be involved with railways, tramway, roads, telegraphs, bridges, watercourses, stations; shipping; banking and to establish trading stations and stores. The first subscribers and directors were also involved with African Lakes Corporation Ltd. The Directors were William Ewing, Robert S Allan, John Stephen, Robert Gourlay, and the Secretary was Frederick L M Moir. The registered office was at 45 Renfield Street. Francis Williams was engaged as their first prospector. By Feb 1902 the directors reported that prospecting had been carried on to the west of Port Herald, near Fort Johnston, but principally in Mivasi's country and in central Angoniland. Prospecting was not particularly successful. In Nov 1903 the directors reported that after 18 months search no precious metals had been discovered. Captain Williams had been invalided home and the company had suspended active operations. In 1904 they reported that coal had been found, but was of no present commercial value. Galena had been found too and a sample shipment was sent home to be treated, but the results are not recorded. In 1905 they reported that a coal area had been discovered on the upper waters of the Luangura as well as gold particles in a stream. In December 1906 the company was lying dormant "awaiting developments regarding its interests". In Dec 1910 the directors reported that the"policy of the directors was not to incur further expense unless they were satisfied that the existence of minerals warranted new outlays". At an Extraordinary General Meeting on 8th December 1911 , it was decided that "the company be wound up voluntarily" and it went into liquidation on 15th February 1912 .
Chronological arrangement
Personal Names
Corporate Names