Bundle of miscellaneous correspondence
- Reference:GB 254 MS 102/12/25
- Dates of Creation:1886
- Physical Description:1 bundle
Scope and Content
Correspondence: 1886. Miscellaneous topics pertaining to engineering and business matters together with current, general and family affairs. Correspondents and contents include: Dr Shaefer, Seaton House, St Andrews (Relates to presentation to PC of a portrait by Dens Works workers in recognition of the good he had done); Reverend G. S Davidson*, the Manse, Kinfauns (requests support for Church building fund); Sam Boase, 12 Claremont terrace, Exmouth, Devon (congratulates PC on portrait and gives news from Devon) Dr Gordon Gray, Rome (has read account of presentation of portrait to PC in Kinnaird Hall on Christmas Day 1885 and congratulates PC; thanks PC for cheque he received in November and is pleased to hear ‘symptoms of a revival in trade’); J. Maclauchlan, Albert Institute, Dundee (Selling PC a figure he and Miss Lyell had admired); Rev G MacKay. Beauly, Invernesshire (Asks PC for a reference as is a candidate for Parish of Logie, Easter, Easter Ross – copy reply in his favour by PC); John Anderson, Coupar Angus (invites PC to become Patron of a boating club – PC declined); Thos. Lawson (appeal for funds for soup kitchen and relief following storm in Coupar Angus); Florence Cottage, Prestwick (Widow of the late James Carmichael Dundee [unclear which one] in destitute circumstances, has not heard from her son for three years, but wants to follow him to Australia –asks PC for help. Enclosed in this letter is another from Mrs Stevenson, Glamis, with more information) The Clepington Working Men’s Horticultural Society Flowers Show,9 Roslin Terrace, Dundee (outlines the Society’s aims and work etc – PC gave donation of £1); Lady Jane, Drummond Villa (PC’s sister) (discusses visits to and from PC); William Small 4 Airlie Terrace, Dundee (Relates to Dundee Branch of Colportage Mission); Professor Ramsay, 6 The College, Glasgow (asks for reference of Dickson, whom he is considering employing as a gardener, thanks PC for reference); James Scrymgeour, Prison Aid Society, Dundee (Thanks PC for donation); Rev Jas Fleming, Kettins Manse, Coupar-Angus, Paris and Charing Cross (Church matters and mentions severe snow storm and hard frost; thanks PC for generosity; details of journey to France; return from France and travel in England; thanks PC for wagon of coal and tells him of forthcoming trip to Ayrshire for the jubilee of his father, who is in his 95th year); Mrs Nicoll, Oban (requests aid for a sick girl); Jas Spence, the Office, Newcastle-on-Tyne, (Thanks PC for [pamphlet and congratulates him on it); Edward Cox, Lyndhurst [PC’s nephew] (relates to PC’s pamphlet on flax growing in Scotland); George Pollock, Session Clerk, Crieff Kirk Session (Asks PC for a donation to support their Minister the Rev. Dr Cunningham** while he is Moderator of the Church of Scotland); John Shields & Co., Wallace Works, Perth (Cost of special design of communion cloth) Miss Graham, 7 Inverleith Terrace (Thanks PC for kindness to her father); John Stewart [PC’s Nephew] (relates to St Michael’s Church north Merchiston, includes copy of list of subscribers and letter from James Hope relating to the same. PC appears to have sent £50; thanks PC for pamphlet and givers more information on St Michael’s Church); D M McArthur, East Ardler by Meigle (wishes to dispose of turnips on form due to loss of cattle; draft reply from PC, agreeing, but asking that in future he refer farm business to Mr Japp); Thomas Thornton, Thos Thornton, Son & Co, 15 Albert Square, Dundee (Dundee School Board Scheme to offer prizes and certificates to promote religious education and requesting funds for it – copy reply of PC’s agreement enclosed; Thanks PC for his support; Informs PC Dundee School Board has passed vote of thanks in his favour); James Hope, Belmont, Murrayfield, Mid-Lothian (Thanks PC for his donation to St Michael’s Church); Andrew Potts, Roselea (Applyiong for position on land commission created by Crofters Bill- draft reply from PC offering to write letter in support); Rev R Milne DD (Asks for donation to Manse of Amulree reprair fund – includes list of subscribers); T Milne. St Andrew’s Cross Cricket Club, 81 Victoria Road, Dundee (Invites PC to become patron of club whose members were mostly from Intermediate Bible Class of St Andrews Parish Church – PC’s notations indicate he declined due to being patron of so many clubs already) Charles Rodger, 6 Barnton Terrace, Blackhall, Edinburgh (Asks PC to subscribe to monument [to Alexander III] as he had subscribed to monument to Robert the Bruce some years earlier – copy reply declining); Reverend Ja. McClymont, 4 Albert Street, Aberdeen (Is applying for chair of Divinity at University of St Andrews); Miss M H Baxter. 1 Graham Place, Dundee (News of she has distributed to poor on PC’s behalf); Mrs [Jessie] Craig, 30 Reform Street, Dundee (leaving town for London and gives PC news of her family and asks him to recommend her son to any London shipping agents [implication is she had worked for PC as a servant in the past]), John Clark, Glamis Manse (relates to recent bereavement); The Rev. David MacRae, Tayview House, Newport, Fife (Concerns case of Ann Munro and Margaret Reid who had been dismissed from the factory where they worked due to one rejecting attempted seduction by a foreman and asks PC to give them employment in his works. Full copy reply from PC who regrets due to state of trade he cannot help, but recommends writing to former employers to get them reinstated); Coupar Angus Cricket Club (asks for annual subscription; apologises for adding PC to list of patrons without consulting him) T. G. Murray Randolph Crescent, Edinburgh ( Thanks PC for copy of memorial of Drummond Carmichael); ‘Aunt’ Helen Carmichael, Strahthearn Hydropathic establishment, Crieff (not well enough to visit Arthurstone and has gone to Crieff to escape east wind); D Bruce Peebles, Tay Works, Bonnington, Edinburgh (forwarding copy of report [not included] to PC); George Lyell, Calcutta (repayment of loan, comment on Dundee Jute Trade – with earlier letter discussing the Silver question and bi-mentalism); Mrs Campbell (requesting linen for Maggie’s wedding) The Rev. Robert Lorimer, Church Manse, Strathmartine (relates to exhibition); James Scrymgeour, Chief Constable’s Office, Dundee Burgh Police and Osborne Place, Maryton, Newport (Discusses case of Mr Guthrie and his ‘disgusting’ behaviour connected to drink and how he is using money given to him; agrees with PC’s decision re Guthrie and would like to arrange outing for women from ‘The Home’ Paton’s Lane); Rev James Forbes, St Mary’s, Orkney (Requests subscription towards cost of erecting hall – PC notes he sent £1); John Stewart [PC’s nephew] Free Church Manse, Ladybank (Asks PC whether he should apply for Coupar Angus agency of the Bank of Scotland, is planning to go to Norway) Rachel Spence [PC’s niece] (Concerned about PC’s health); Elena Kinloch, Meigle House (Thanks PC for gift and note of change of wedding time); Col, W.R. Morison, First Forfarshire Rifle Volunteer Corps (requests donation; PC’s draft reply declines and gives reasons); William Low, Seaview, Monifieth (Rainfall statistics for Monfieth, Dundee and Barry); Perthshire Conservative Association (asks for annual subscription - PC’s note indicates he declined to continue); John Menzies, power loom shuttle Maker, Redgorton (requests loan/innvestment for his son who is working with batching oil – PC’s note indicates he declined); P C Stewart, Ladybank [PC’s nephew] (family news and notes he fulfilled evening engagement at Leven); John Clark, Union Manse, Kirkcaldy (Thanks PC for grapes and updates him on his daughter’s health. Also gives details of problems weather causing for farmers and harvest); John Wilson, 29 Nethergate, Dundee (Asks for funds towards a memorial to be erected in Ward Chapel for late choirmaster W Watson – PC gave £1) Christopher Aitchison, Hillwood, Loanhead (Thanks PC for article from The Times about India and admission of natives to public service and discusses commission on matter his brother [Sir Charles U. Aitchison***] is to chair); Mr Barclay, Edinburgh (promoting tract he has written for ploughmen – PC sent £1; reply thanking PC and enquiring about his sister); R Herdman 2t Bernard’s, Bruntsfield Crescent, Edinburgh (relates to art exhibition);Miss Marshal, the Manse Coupar Angus (asks for donation for Edinburgh Hospital for Sick Children –notation indicates PC declined – includes card designating her as an authorised collector), William Japp, Solicitor, Airlie Street (encloses letter from David McBeth giving up house in Wellington Row, Ardler); D Robie, Lansdowne Terrace, Bedford (asks about rainfall records and provides some rainfall data); William gellatly, Dundee (asks for donation to Deep Sea Fishermen’s Mission – note indicates PC declined); George Armitstead & Co, Dundee [shipping line] (propose buying a new steel steamship and would like PC to take interest in venture – draft reply from PC declining along with note of his private objections to scheme); Hugh Collins, 28 Forth Street, Edinburgh (Explains financial climate difficult for artists splus has financial problems and asks for PC’s patronage – note indicates he sent him £10 - Includes letter from W. A. Scott, Dundee about Collins’ letter); T. S. Ross, Balgillo Terrace, Broughty Ferry (agrees to give reading at event for PC and will stay night at Arthurstone; thanks Pc for gift and hospitality and talks about readings he gave and offers to do so again– includes letter [draft?] from PC thanking him for readings – mentions Clementina Stirling Graham****); W. S. Carmichael, Ailly Sur Somme [PC’s nephew] (Unable to make his annual visit to PC); Mrs Robt Baxter, [PC’s cousin] (thanks PC fo all he has done for her, mentions sadness had hearing of closing of spinning mill in Blairgowrie and family matters and history); Nellie Spence [PC’s niece], Clipstone, Catterick Bridge, Yorkshire (thanks PC for letter and gift of £10 and describes her visit to Yorkshire and recovery of her mother); Note relating to Adult Free Breakfast (appeal for funds for a scheme running in Dundee to provide free breakfasts on the Sabbath). (135 items)
* George S. Davidson, father of Harcourt M. Davidson, Minister of St Andrew’s Parish Church, Dundee 1886-1926
** The Reverend Doctor John Cunninghame BD LLD Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in 1886
*** Sir Charles Umpherston Aitchison, noted colonial official, was married to Beatrice Lyell Cox, daughter of James Cox and thus Peter Carmichael’s niece)
**** See MS 113Access Information
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Description compiled by Kenneth Baxter, April 2011
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