Chapter 2: Flax spinning by machinery in its infancy: Kirkland; Balgonie; Limehouse. [pp.50-73]
- Reference:GB 254 MS 102/1/1/2
- Dates of Creation:1787-1816
- Physical Description:1 chapter
Scope and Content
Kirkland cotton mills - First flax mill at Benvie 1787 - First spinning mill for Osnaburgs at Brigton 1790 - Kirkland mill partly a flax mill in 1794 - Burned in 1800 - The new mill - Introduction of gas in 1810 - "The auld licht and the new licht" - Difficulties spinners had to contend against - Life on Levenside - Am born at Kirkland - Father goes to Balgonie - To London in 1812 - Limehouse and the works there - Captain Huddart - Other partners of firm - Visit from uncle David - Events of the time - Westminster Bridge lit with gas - Thames frozen - Visit of the Allied Powers - Opening of Waterloo Bridge - Return to Scotland - Earthquake there - Its effects on the Leven - We settle in Dundee, 1816.
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Archivist's Note
Description compiled by Mary Young, Jan 2007
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