Bundle of miscellaneous correspondence
- Reference:GB 254 MS 102/12/28
- Dates of Creation:1889
- Physical Description:1 bundle
Scope and Content
Correspondence: 1889. Miscellaneous topics pertaining to engineering and business matters together with current, general and family affairs. Correspondents and contents include: W Thomson, Currie (Relates to Mr Low’s trustee’s and bond over John Ewan’s property at Edinhall [Eden Hall]. Susan [PC’s sister?], Drummond Villa, Broughty Ferry (Thanks PC for cheque for £10); George Lyell, MacNeill & Co. Ltd, Calcutta (Sending draft for £69 and news of life in India; Reports on success of firm; repaying part of loan, reports on business and visit of George Drummond and wishes all a good New Year); Mrs Robert Baxter, [France?], [PC’s cousin] (writes of financial and personal problems); J M Carmichael, 18 Grand Parade, St Leonards-on-Sea and 204 Elliot Street, Glasgow (Enjoying good weather since leaving Scotland and discusses merger of Nova Scotia Steel Company and Nova Scotia Forge Company; Is back in Helensburgh and discusses Nova Scotia Steel Company stock); Mrs Dalgleish, Errol Park, Errol (Relates to Miss Fagan and Errol School) Dr Schaefer, Seaton House, St Andrews (school [Madras College?] has had to change to meet modern requirements and School Board has advertised for a new head who may or may not reappoint existing masters, in these circumstances is considering selling house and needs money. Draft reply from PC suggesting he does not give in as things might work out for him, but offering to help him tide over. Enclosed later letter from Schaefer thanks PC for reply and indicates his plans; Situation has got worse and is enclosing letter he received from rector - Includes copy reply from PC returning letter and expressing sympathy; encloses press cutting (present) relating to dismissal of old teachers from Madras College, St Andrews and replacement with new and copy of appeal he was sending to governors; thanks PC for letter and gift. Expresses feelings of bitterness about being swept aside and has no legal claim on retirement allowance and discusses letting of house, especially damage done by Sir Robert Dalyell’s people); James Spence, 28 Hawthorn St, Newcastle on Tyne (relates to William Spence, an engineer who James Spence helped educate, who has now come to work for Gourlay brothers in Dundee; discusses ‘craw controversy’ and his views on craws and bird. Also talks about politics with mention of Sir Charles [Dilke?] and the G.O.M. [Gladstone] and an indication PC has been critical of ‘the political offspring of the Dundee Advert[iser]’ – possibly a reference to John Leng who would be unopposed as MP for Dundee later in the year; Sending photo of antiquarian writer Dr Bruce with biographical details of him and his sons, including Sir George Bruce. Mentions Bruces are members of United Presbyterian Church and Conservatives. Also reference to the G.O.M.; delighted that Rachel has visited and pleased to hear from her about PC – hopes to visit Arthurstone. Includes copy reply from PC; regrets he cannot visit next week due to business commitments); James Brebner, [Rector]. Harris Academy (Updating PC on progress of Helen McIntosh and indicating it would be difficult for her to become a teacher. Notes Miss Robertson, daughter of Coupar Angus scientist is unlikely to gain a place on the staff. Informs PC of plans to teach students about jute fibre and its manufacture; Enclosing letters on two teachers (not present) and discusses his holiday and teaching matters; Has sent PC copy of prospectus of People’s Palace Technical Schools and relevance to his desire for School Board to furnish workshop) W Marshall & Co, 131 Princes Street, Edinburgh (sending five diamond rings; cannot offer any further discount on rings); Edith Fagan*, Middlesex, (thanks PC for present and letter which have been forwarded from Errol); Reverend Andrew Inglis, Lochee, Dundee (Circular appeal for funds for widow and children of Rev. Robert Milligan who drowned whilst bathing at Montrose in 1888. Handwritten portion of letter explain £750 raised, but want to raise £1000. Note indicates PC donated £5); Drummond Brothers, Agricultural Seedsmen 17 Greenside Place, Edinburgh (In response to a letter from PC asks for details about cultivation of a field. Includes copy reply from PC describing field); Lady Aitchison [nee Beatrice Cox, PC’s niece], Clement Park (Arranging visit to Arthurstone with Sir Charles. Includes copy reply from PC on arrangements for visit); Lady Georgina Drummond Moray, Blair Drummond, Perthshire (Asks PC to look over paper on work Scotch Girls’ Friendly Society in Perth and district and describes work of society and its need for funding – note indicates PC donated £1); Alex Cross, 74 Commercial Street, Dundee (raising funds for the Reverend John Taylor who has had to resign his charge owing to ill health – note indicates PC gave £2) Mr Gibb, Dundee (Is contemplating retiring from his position as Postmaster in Dundee Post Office and asks PC to use his influence with Postmaster General** so his son George Henderson Gibb may succeed him; thanks PC for his favourable response; thanks PC for his efforts in helping his son’s successful candidature); W Edwards, Noranside, by Brechin (asks PC to intercede with Mr Bell of Belmont with whom he wishes to obtain position as gardener – PC’s copy reply indicates he does not know Bell well enough to contact him, but would be happy to provide a certificate of reference); [?] Watson, Hawkhill Place, Dundee (enquiring about a cottage for a widow); William Carmichael/ W. S. Carmichael [PC’s Nephew], Ailly Sur Somme (Mainly discusses trip to Florence and indicates increased value of PC’s paintings by Gaetana Chieriei; informs PC when he is arriving in Scotland and mentions Paris exhibition and trip up the Eiffel Tower; talks about journey home and French election); The Rev. John Brand, Downfield, Dundee (Requesting subscription for United Presbyterian Church in Downfield – PC’s reply noted he had corresponded with John Carmichael on matter already); John Ewan, Eden Hall (refers to a death and money) Mrs Carmichael [wife of PC’s late brother], Ailly Sur Somme (nelly has had an operation which hopefully will lead to a complete cure]; George Carmichael, Taymount, Broughty Ferry (Has been unable to visit PC due to ill health); P M S Carmichael, Westview, Waldegrave road, Upper Norwood, Surrey (Reports to PC his progress at school – not indicates B[eatrice] L[yell] replied); W H Fergusson, The Buchties, Broughty Ferry (Asking for reference for groom named Duncan Stewart – copy reply enclosed); Mrs Clayhills Henderson, The Grand Hotal, Trafalgar Square, London (Asking for reference for cook); H Ballingall, Park & Pleasance Breweries*** (Asking for donation for funds to convert Albert Institute to electric lighting – PC Declined); R S Carmichael, Paris [PC’s nephew] (Apologies for problem and is going to write to lawyers in London to settle it. Mentions Paris Exhibition and predicts it is on its way to beng a great success; has been in touch with Durces and Attlee solicitors****; acknowledges receipt of cheque for Mrs Baxter; two letters kept together about Mrs Baxter and her children’s financial difficulties. Also mentions family matters; series of letters bundled together concerning Mrs Baxter and monies for Stewart Carmichael); Frances Elizabeth, Mother Superior, Sisterhood of SS Mary and Modwenna (Thanks PC for handsome present for house for incurables; Requests line for Sarah Kiddy who is looking for position at Glasgow eye Dispensary and thanks PC for roses); Dr Milne, Ardler (thanking PC on behalf of Kirk Session and managers following discussion of arrangements for burials in Ardler’s new churchyard –letter signed by Milne and various elders and managers; thanks PC for Christmas presents); Susan Carmichael, Drummond Villa (Thanks PC for cheque for £150); [James] Cargill Guthrie, 43 Union Street, Dundee (His golden wedding is coming up and he would like it marked given his published works are well known. Includes extract from family bible. Includes copy reply from PC); John Paul, Dens Works Sabbath School (Tanking PC for excursion – includes breakdown of numbers and other details as separate sheet [in PC’s hand?]); John Stewart [PC’s nephew], 27 Howe Street, Edinburgh (Thanks PC for help with property matter and comments on weather); Robert Calder, Fintry Place, Broughty Ferry (raising funds for Beach Mission Church+ in Broughty Ferry – notation indicated PC gave £25); Free St David’s Guild, 8 Meadowside, Dundee (requesting use of Arthurstone for a picnic); Fanny Crombie, 12 Charlotte St [Edinburgh?] (Relates case of family [named Edwards] struggling with financial and medial issues. Notation indicates PC sent £3. Also states Mr Geekie, who has just had his 92nd birthday is seriously ill); Rev. J McMurtie, Church of Scotland Foreign Mission Committee (Covering letter for appeal [NB although said to be enclosed is not present]. Notation indicates PC gave £50); Revd John R. McDougal, Newton Villa, Bridge of Allan, (Has returned after ‘a very prosperous winter’s work’ and has sent copies of his short biography of Cavaggi. Includes copy reply by PC intimating £50 annual subscription and inviting him for visit); James W. Carmichael , 204 Elliot Street Glasgow (Explains delay in replying to invitation, but hopes he and family can visit PC); Matron, Dundee Convalescent Home (Acknowledges donation of overcoats and vets and notes will not acknowledge in newspaper at PC’s request); Dundee Swimming Club, Public Paths, Dundee (inviting PC to donate to prize fund – notation indicates he declined); Geo Honeyman, beech bank, Coupar Angus (Askes for annual contribution to Boys’ and Girls’ Religious Association and gives report on its success); Sir Donald A Smith++ [PC’s Cousin?], The Canadian Pacific Railway Company, 228 Cannon Street, EC, London (Is leaving for New York and wants to thank PC for stay at Arthurstone and invites him to see railway in Canada. Copy reply from PC indicates age prevents him from accepting invitation, but suggests his nephew Peter Carmichael Stewart may visit in 1890. Also discusses hope he will visit again and suggests purchasing estate in the Highlands); Mary A. M. Torry, St Annes (Subscription to the Tract Society); E. Brailsford, Rosebank Manse, Blairgowrie (Reporting on ‘The Peoples Rest’ and asking for funds. Notation indicates PC donated £2); Anna Carmichael, New Glasgow [Novia Scotia] (Thanks PC for letter and books of ‘Scotch soups’ and would be pleased to see PC’s nephew when he visits Nova Scotia; Enjoyed stay at Arthurstone and reports her brother is looking better); Revd C M Grant, St Mark’s Manse, Dundee (Thanks PC for his generosity which helped sustain delegates to Young Men’s Guild Conference and how is gift helped with plan to build church at mission station at Kalimpong. Also mentions young missionary called Graham – almost certainly John Anderson Graham; Letter from Arthur Bell, Mr Grant, Church of Scotland Young Men’s Guild, Dundee Local Council sending extract of minute, with forwarded to PC from Grant with forwarding note including minutes thank donor [ie PC]); George Brown, Benclochy Manse, Coupar Angus (Has been asked by Mr Anderson of St Fink to intervene in matter of £1900 PC has a claim against him for and which would ruin him. PC’s copy reply indicates he declined due to ‘too many broken promises in the past’); Fred S. Stewart, Dundee [PC’s nephew] (Progress of publishing his book+++); John Laing, 10 Panmure Street, Dundee (Relates to Mr Boyack’s expenses); Caledonian Railway Company District Superintendent’s Office, Perth (House for John Halley at Ardler Junction); J A Smith, Van Roozen, British Linen Company Bank; (Concerns a cheque); Mrs Tom Kelly, Denston Park Newmarket (Thanks PC for interest in work and is sending him book. Copy reply from PC thanks for work and intimates he I sending them a turkey; Thanks PC for turkey sent from Arthurstone for Christmas meal). ‘Letters 1889’ is written on ‘Angus and Mearns Canine Club’ Dundee Dog Show member’s ticket 1888. (100 items).
* Edith Fagan later married Sir George Washington Baxter, Managing Director of Baxter Bros, and was a notable Unionist politician
** Henry Cecil Raikes, Conservative MP for Cambridge University
*** Hugh Ballingall, Provost of Dundee 1884-1887
**** Prime Minister Clement Attlee was the son of one of the partners of this firm.
+ Later St James’ Church, Broughty Ferry
++ Later 1st Baron Strathcona and Mount Royal – although he and Carmichael describe themselves as ‘cousins’ it seems their relationship was more distant.
+++ Likely English weights with their equivalents in kilogrammes (London, 1890)Access Information
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Archivist's Note
Description compiled by Kenneth Baxter, April 2011
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