Bundle of miscellaneous correspondence
- Reference:GB 254 MS 102/12/8
- Dates of Creation:1855
- Physical Description:1 bundle
Scope and Content
Correspondence: 1855. Miscellaneous topics pertaining to engineering and business matters together with current, family and personal affairs. Correspondents and contents include:
James Paterson (items belonging to himself and PC to be removed from Mr Nairne’s mill before the forced sale there of machinery and equipment);
James Martie, Jonsererd, By Gothenberg, Sweden (recommends a young engineer; the effects of the Crimean War on trade, the difficulty in finding supplies of hemp and the excessively cold winter; the building of a railway between Gothenberg and Stockholm; wage rates in Sweden);
James Sinclair, Strone, Stirling (engines for The Scotsman’s printing press; progress on his water engine; ordering canvas for his schooners);
Thomas Greenwood, Wellington Foundry, Leeds, (matters of patent; a move to making machinery for arms manufacturing for the Crimean War, comments on the progress of the War; letter of introduction regarding an artist with a new yarn);
James McCallum, 5 Brighton Place, Glasgow, (request for a reference from PC in support of his application to Cox Bros of Dundee);
James Spence, Portsmouth Dockyard (dissatisfaction with his position and the possibility of applying for the post of manager of the Dundee gas works; The return of the ship Samson from Odessa and Sebastopol with a tame Circassian bear; evidence of and rants against incompetence and mismanagement in the Crimean War; the effects of extremes of temperature on metal; drawing of a Russian marine mine - ‘infernal machine’; programme of a meeting of the Royal Scottish Society of Arts that includes a paper by James Spense on the ‘Rise and Progress of the Royal Steam Navy’; articles in the Artisan; family news: brain fever of Rachel Jane and the making of a photographic portrait of his fast failing son);
Thomas Marsden, Broughton, Manchester (trade reference regarding Thomas Briggs)
James Carmichael, Filature d’Ailly, France (to be made a partner in the French company; major breakdowns at Ailly and at Dens Works losing 12 days work; a proposal to buy a new factory; price of English and Belgian coal; trade and manufacturing, prices of Whitworth Lathes);
D. Cruickshank, 38 Charles St., Westminster, London (death of the Emperor Nicholas; the consequences for a lasting peace; increasing numbers of soldiers in locality bringing serious problems for his school; criticisms of government: ‘what a mess our government have made of the war and themselves … a radical change must take place … the aristocratic element must give place to acknowledged utility come from what class it may’; family matters and illness; letter of complaint on behalf of James Spence and some of his friends;
D. Kinnear, Arbroath (an election in Arbroath lost by W. E. Baxter*; the support given to a worker by Baxter Bros after a disabling accident);
[John] Tannoch D.D., minister of Glamis, (request on behalf of a parishioner for an advance on her allowance due to the severity of the winter, scarcity of work and ill health in the family);
David Baxter, London and Edinburgh (flax, output, competition and tenders; telegraph message);
John Batley, Wellington Foundry, Leeds (patent infringements, machine manufacture for the War, business references, trade; Derby and Coalbrookdale catalogues with price lists for Mrs Baxter);
Charles McKinlay & Co., Leith; invoice for wines and spirits.
William Henderson, Riga (successful establishment of a mill, marriage to his English housekeeper);
James Leslie, 72 George Street Edinburgh (the working costs of engines);
Robert Small (a scheme for the consumption of smoke in Glasgow);
William Ingram, Musselborough (thanking for hospitality in Dundee);
Henry S Boase, Claverhouse (bleaching, dying and experiments in the drying of flax yarn);
E. Young, Annan.
James Laing, Glasgow (request for 20 shillings assistance);
James Low, junior, Monifieth;
John Smith, Dundee (letter on leaving PC’s employ);
Thomas Greenwood, Wellington Foundry, Leeds (dispute between Mr Fairbairn, Mr Mathers and himself and its resolution; production moved to machinery for arms manufacture, little left in flax machinery; marriage of Mr Fairbairn and Mrs Bell (nee Brandling) of Newcastle);
Chris Kerr (advice regarding a purchase);
J. Robertson, Manse of Mains (request for the employment of his step-brother, a mechanic);
John Robertson, 14 Meadow Street, Dundee (subscriptions to the Infirmary);
John Corlass, Preston (gift of towels);
William Leitch, Ladybank (meeting of Heritors and Kirk Session; a request to visit a factory to gain information on the social and moral aspects; social changes, the role of religion, experiments in social welfare and organisation);
Robert Small, Dundee (unable to find a ship under £18 or £20 to load for Abbeville);
Andrew Fullerton, Abbey Mount Works, Edinburgh (suggested remedy for PC’s leg ulcer;
Edward Baxter, Dundee (£5 7s due by PC and Mr Low of Monifieth);
William Nairne, (his bankruptcy, illness and the dishonesty of his son);
Thomas Pratt, Cupar, Fife (recommendation of Mr Smith for employment as a clerk).
[111 items]
* Later MP for Montrose Burghs. Nephew of Sir David Baxter.Access Information
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Archivist's Note
Description compiled by Kenneth Baxter, April 2011
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