Bundle of miscellaneous correspondence
- Reference:GB 254 MS 102/12/24
- Dates of Creation:1884-1886
- Physical Description:1 bundle
Scope and Content
Correspondence: 1885 (Some actually 1884 and last letter 1886). Miscellaneous topics pertaining to engineering and business matters together with current, general and family affairs. Correspondents and contents include: F[indlay] R[obert] Macdonald, the Manse, Coupar Angus, (Annual collection for the poor of the Parish; collection of coals for the poor of the parish) Helen and Lilian Carmichael, Arthurstone, Loburn, North Canterbury, New Zealand (News of life in New Zealand and family matters); Jane Carmichael, Drummond Villa (thanks PC for handsome gift) Matron, Dundee Convalesent Home, Barnhill (Thanks PC for his kindness over the years to the home and invites him to visit it); James Arnott, 27 Ingleston Street, Greenock (Has been idle for 20 mnths and requests assistance. Copy reply from PC’s nephew [James ?] indicating PC out of country and enclosing £2) The National bank of Scotland (Letter to PC in Florence relating to his loss of circular notes); Telegram to PC in Florence (regarding circular notes); Aitkin Dott & Sons, 26 Castle Street, Edinburgh (Design of Mirror); James Scrymgeour, Prison Aid Society, Dundee (Relates to donations by PC); Rachel [Sagebreri], PC’s Niece, Sons prefecture, Montdidier (Apologises for not being able to visit PC at Ailly, but invites him to her house); W. M. Dickson, Baldovan (Sending PC booklet on Christian work in the town [Dundee?]); T. B Farquharson, Coupar Angus (Seeks PC’s support in election for parochial inspector – PC’s notes indicate he had already promised vote for another candidate); John Stewart [Nephew of PC], 27 Home Street, Edinburgh (Sends information on banks in Australia); Rev W. J. Cox, 10 Airlie Place, Dundee (annual reminder about Widows fund); James McWee, 15 Blackness Street, Dundee (asks PC’s permission to name his daughter Jemima Drummond Carmichael McWee in memory of his old friend, PC’s late son James Drummond Carmichael, as he had promised him he would name his third child after him; thanks PC for present and promises he will tell daughter about JDC when she is older); Charles Boyd, Coupar Angus (Relates to new voters roll [following Third Reform and Redistribution of Seats Acts]); Rev P. C. Stewart, Ladybank [PC’s nephew]; (Thanks PC for engravings); Coupar Angus Cricket Club (asks for PC’s patronage once more); Rachel Spence [PC’s niece]. 220 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow and Children’s Hospital, Birmingham (Thanks PC for his kindness; thanks PC for donation of pictures of the hospital) J. M. L. [James M. Low?] Monifeith Foundry (unable to accept invitation to Arthurstone; thanks PC for copy of ‘Scotland Delinated’); D H Saunders (relates to money PC had provided for care of ‘Old William Buttar’); John Fleming, Free Church Manse, Newtyle (explains why he will not agree to exchange of pulpits with established church minister); D C Stewart, Queen Hotel Chester (mentions traveling in Lake District and stay in Chester); North Eastern Railway, York (Confirms PC’s intention to take up stock); James F. Low, Seaview, Monifieth (unable to get Dr Young* to preach at Ardler on 17th May); James Brown, Dens Works Sabbath School (gives account of school); John Anderson, Kinloch Place, 105 Hawkhill. Dundee (Permission for Dudhipe free Church Psalmody Class to visit Arthurstone on Saturday 6th June 1885; gives details of number in party –copy reply from PC indicates he was unable to oblige); Rev. Mr James Fleming, Kettins Manse Coupar Angus (concerns PC’s donation to the Jewish Mission; setting up of Ardler as a distinct parish and praises PC**, thanks PC for his support of the church at Kettins, thanks PC for sympathy on death of his son); Rev M. Campbell, 4 William Street, Forebank, Dundee (letter in favour of D. J. Carnegy’s application to be inspector of the poor in the County of Angus); William Stewart [Nephew of PC], 7 Somerville Place, Dundee (Congratulates PC on role in induction services at Ardler on 20th May 1885); James Japp, Alyth and Meigle Constitutional Association (invites PC to join Association – annotation indicates he did); Alexander Robertson, Burnside, Forfar (Letter in favour of D. J. Carnegy); Jessie Craig (Her husband James Craig is ill and they have no money for food – annotation indicates PC gave them £5); John Easthope, Latwyche House, 14 Fenwick Road, East Dulwich, later 17 Wellogate Place Hawick ( relates to opening of new Ardler Church, which PC apparently had given £12,000 towards; asks to visit PC, which PC declines), Governer, Dundee Combination Poorhouse (East), (Thanks PC for donation of illustrated materials); Miegle Cricket Club (announces formation of club and invites PC to become a patron); Rev. N. Law, Manse of Eassie (seeks donations towards purchase of organ or harmonium for his church. PC’s notes indicate he donated £4); William Kerr, 26 Castle Street, Dundee (shares in Dundee and Newtyle Railway); Rev. J[ohn] R. McDougal, Newton Villa, Bridge of Allan, later Florence (requests money for Italian mission; mentions cholera scare); James Scrymgeour, Osborne Place, Maryton, Newport, Fife and 18 Meadowside, Dundee (relates to provisions sent to poet J. Cargill Guthrie and bridal song he wrote for wedding of Princess Beatrice; more news of Guthrie and opinion of his works; encloses copies of ‘Three Martyrs’ and ‘Wee Lizzie’ by Guthrie); Coupar Angus Football Club (Thanks PC for support and asks for further patronage in order to rent a park); East Perthshire Conservative Association (asks for subscription; receipt of subscription); Panmure [Rugby] Football Club (Asks PC asks PC to become patron in place of Mr Dalgleish – PC refused – and gives details of rugby in Fofarshire at time); William Japp, Charing Cross Hotel, London (mentions worshiping in Westminster Abbey); A H Balingall, Chairman Perth (Landward) School Board, British Linen Bank House, Perth (enquires about Miss Adamson teacher at Washington who has applied for a position in Craigend); Mary Cruickshank/Carmichael [PC’s niece] (Thanks PC for melon and asks for subscription to Bazaar); Dr Shaefer, Seaton House, St Andrews (gives news of his school) Thomas Soutar, Crieff (Thanks PC for copy of memorial of James Drummond Carmichael***); W. S. Carmichael, Ailly-sur-Somme [PC’s nephew] (thanks PC for invitation to visit Arthurstone and reports on exhibition of machinery in Antwerp); Miss Adamson, teacher, Ardler, Meigle (Thanks PC for recommendation which helped her secure job at Craigend and for his kindness while she has been at Ardler); Madame Lydia De Quilbeeq, Leeds (Relates to cancellation of her elder daughter’s marriage to a Dens Works employee and asks for PC’s aid in the matter; thanks PC and updates him on situation in some detail – PC’s note states no reply); Dr Ferguson, Wentworth, Port Maria, Jamaica (speaks about building of Ardler Church and Manse and life in Jamaica); Lady Kinloch (Invites PC to dinner) W. L Boase (relates to Edward Jenkins contesting to Dundee as a Conservative and asks PC to give him financial support – draft reply gives PC’s reasons for declining to do so including opposition to payment of MPS); Douglas and Foulis, librarians 9 Castle Street Edinburgh (relates to PC’s ‘Library Box’); A. A. Symon, Forfar (asks for contribution to Forfar free Church Bazaar): John Clark, Union Manse, Kirkcaldy (wife and daughter ill and needing grapes – PC sent box, thanks PC – PC replied with more grapes); J Buttie 7 Queen Street, Edinburgh (Relates to accident that has befallen medallions and offers to repair them [letter contains several spelling errors]); Religious Tract and Book Society, Edinburgh (Thanks PC for his donation); Mrs Baxter, Lille [PC’s cousin] (Thanks PC for years of financial support and implies she is dying and worried about her family’s financial status, thanks PC for his letter and praises his charitable works); Alex Caldwell, Dundee Association of Open Air Bathers [and Humane Society] (reports on cup PC gave society and includes extract of minute of meeting); William Ross, Ardler Village [a former servant] (request for certificate of character – PC notes he granted him one); PC’s Nephew [George Lyell], Calcutta, (relates to Edith [his fiancée?] and PC’s offer of gift); D H Saunders, 11 Panmure Street, Dundee (requests financial help for William [Butters?]); Mrs William Tod, Clement Park, Dundee (relates to death of her father [ex Provost James Cox]; thanks PC for Christmas present and gives family news); G J Symons (Relates to 25th edition of Symons “British Rainfall”) Alexander Johnston, Architect, 20 Reform Street, Dundee (relates to Ardler Manse); Fratelli De Ferrari, Genoa (relates to textile order); Tom Kelly, Denston Park, Newmarket: (Thanks PC for letter and pleased he liked reproduction of his work). (188 items)
* The Rev James Gerard Young DD (1821-99) was minister of the Parish of Monifieth from 1855-1899
** Ardler Parish Church opened in 1885 on land given by Peter Carmichael and was largely funded by him. The church was a memorial to PC’s son James Drummond Carmichael
*** 2 copies of this volume signed by Peter Carmichael are in the Kinnear Local Book Collection KLoc 828.994 68 C 287. James Drummond Carmichael died in 1881Access Information
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Description compiled by Kenneth Baxter, April 2011
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