Bundle of miscellaneous correspondence
- Reference:GB 254 MS 102/12/23
- Dates of Creation:1871
- Physical Description:1 bundle
Scope and Content
Correspondence: 1871. Miscellaneous topics pertaining to engineering and business matters together with current, general and family affairs. Correspondents and contents include: P[eter] Carmichael, London [PC’s nephew], (Is glad to hear PC has heard from ‘Papa’ [James Carmichael] as he has heard no news since he left France, thinks Sir David Baxters offer of a donation to the people of Ailly will be well received, reports on getting through Prussian lines, asks PC’s thoughts on his returning to France with his brother William; discusses financial matters including Sir David Baxter’s donation; notes railway between Boulogne and Paris via Amiens has been re-established, his brother Robert has gone to Paris; encloses list of good flax spinning firms in France; asks PC’s advice about going into business with Mr Edward’s son); James Carmichael, À Ailly-sur-Somme France (indicates situations is very grave, no railway so no bails [of jute] and coals are available meaning he cannot give work; discusses PC sending money, laments war; indicates mill is failing due to war and discusses prices of food and foods; indicates he is grateful for Sir David Baxter’s weekly donation, reports on latest war rumours and indicates his sympathy for PC [in relation to ill health of Mrs Carmichael]; notes he has had no newspapers or letters for 15 days and complains of mail censorship by Prussians; contemplates aftermath of war; is anxious to resume business after having been standing for six weeks; asks PC to thanks Sir David Baxter for his latest £20 gift; now working 4 &3/4 days and discusses situation in Paris and political situation in France; Had been to Paris and scene there is indescribable; discuses jute; mentions Gilroy’s business in France ; -from London - has had to rush to England due to illness to Helen, although she is now improving; Helen has returned with him to France and is recovering, mentions the movement in Dundee and elsewhere for 57 hours); Sir David Baxter, 5 Moray Place, Edinburgh and Kilmaron, Cupar, Fife, (Discusses situation in France and donation of money; has had telegram revealing the capitulation of Paris; discusses business matters; fears his money sent to France has fallen into the hands of ‘Philistines’ and criticises Germans; impact of War on manufacturing districts of Europe; discusses debentures and contracts; discusses situation in France; mentions working hours dispute with the mechanics; PC’s £1000 donation to Convalescent Hospital); James S. Macintosh, 28 Walker Street Edinburgh (Updates PC on [Willie’s] studies, asks PC about changing his son’s classes); W B Carmichael 28 Walker Street, Edinburgh (Concern for his mother’s health and details of his life in Edinburgh and at the University, he is planning to ask [Alexander] Crum Brown* about a chemistry book; reports on his examination, details information about his friends the Gilmours and their property Eaglesham; updates PC on his studies and comments on events in France; comments on his father’s visit to Edinburgh and reports he has met a brother of Captain Trail of Broughty Ferry, concerned about mother’s health; speaks about family matters and life in Edinburgh; answers PC’s concerns about poor examination performance; discusses his future chemistry studies; discusses plans for summer and mentions ‘Uncle and Aunt Cox’ and ‘Edward’; reports Dr Black’s advice on his studies; has spoken to Professor Jenkin** and is against Mr MacIntosh’s plan for his study – letter includes two letters from Mr MacIntosh outlining his view and a note by PC indicating he is going to Edinburgh [to address the matter]; considering taking engineering class and mentions Prof Jenkin; discusses his plan to study various subjects); D Bruce Peebles, Fountainbridge Works, Edinburgh (recent travels and views on Franco-Prussian War); James Lyell, Calcutta [PC’s nephew] (Is sending PC items manufactured in Japan – includes drawings); A. J. Fitch, Scottish National Institution for the Education of Imbecile Children (wants PC to become a director of his institution [annotation indicates PC declined invitation]); John Easthope, 14 Fenwick Road, East Dulwich (Glad ‘long and dreary war’ has ended and critical of Gladstone Government; Hopes PC’s ‘face-ache’ has gone); Walter Duncan, 5 Queen Street Arbroath (Sorry to hear PC’s ‘suffering’ has returned); J Calvert MacKenzie (wants PC to pass a letter on to his eldest unmarried sister); John R. Mcdougall, Florence (Mentions Franco-Prussian War and religious affairs in Italy); James Carmichael ‘fils’ [PC’s Nephew], (has secured for him a Prussian needle gun;speaks of business matters, including Dundee-Franco trade, and devastation of Paris); The Institution of Engineers in Scotland, (Informs PC his paper has been awarded a medal); W[illiam] E[wart] Lockhart, 1 London St, Edinburgh (relates to painting); [Dr] Jas. G. Black, Edinburgh, (Updates PC on his William’s chemistry progress) Dr Schaefer, St Andrews, (Expresses sympathy with PC on his bereavement and writes about Willie); Mrs Cruickshank, Southampton [PC’s sister] (reacts to death [of PC’s wife]) D Cruikshank, Southampton (acknowledges cheque and offers condolences on death of PC’s wife); Robert S. Carmichael, Paris (relates to attempt to get PC a Cuckoo clock and includes drawing of it, describes war ravaged Paris; has found a superior clock for PC and comments on impact of Gilroy Bros trading in France; Invoice for clock); MacDonald Field & Co, Aberdeen granite Works (Relates to Mrs Carmichael’s tombstone with copy reply and sketches); Walter Duncan, Arbroath (Wishes to consult PC on a matter of business); Peter Begg, Advertiser Office, Dundee (Apologises that PC has not received his letter); Mrs Sophia Leslie 87 Croft Street, Macduff (Support for candidate for election to the Labour Institute); John R. McDougall, Florence (As Rome is now a free city is expanding his preaching and asks PC for money); Mrs Christina Pope, St Catherine’s Croft, (Wishes to use seat in Coupar Angus Church belonging to Arthurstone Estate); John Carmichael, Baldovan Field near Dundee (discusses land use); John Dempster, 29 Castle Street, St Andrews (Requires financial assistance with his University studies); James Cox, Clement Park Lochee (Is unable to provide PC with Camellias); Walter Duncan 27a English Street, Carlisle (Discusses trade); W.& R. Ritchie, Queen Insurance Company, Union Bank Buildings, Panmure Street, Dundee (Shares in Dundee and Newtyle Railway). (95 items)
*Almost certainly Alexander Crum Brown, Professor of Chemistry at the University of
Edinburgh 1869-1908)
** Almost certainly Fleeming Jenkin, Professor of Engineering at the University of EdinburghAccess Information
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Archivist's Note
Description compiled by Kenneth Baxter, April 2011
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