Edwin Scrymgeour Collection Box 6
- Reference:GB 615 ES/6
- Dates of Creation:1924 - 1931
- Physical Description:1 box
Scope and Content
Papers of Edwin Scrymgeour (E.S.) including:
General correspondence incl. requests for assistance with war pensions and compensation for war injuries sustained in World War One, c. 1925-30
Correspondence concerning attempt by E.S. to get soldier released from Army on compassionate grounds following plea from mother, 1931
Correspondence regarding E.S.'s attempt to secure emigration of 17 men to Canada as harvesters, 1928
Photograph – "Brechiners including Mr Dundas", n.d.
Letters from British Temperance League in support of E.S.'s stand against Board of Trade and his attempt to show how employment not helped by liquor trade, 1928
Letter from A. Donnet, Prohibition Party, to E.S.: refers to pamphlet being held up by General Strike – problems with Mr Pellow as his shop is now non-union, 24 May 1926
Photographic postcards, incl:
Photograph of American Temperance campaigner Carrie A. Nation
Photograph of Lonie Dennis: "The Boy Preacher who with his beloved Mother paid us a visit at 2 Errol Terrace."
Photograph of Brother Jas. Watt of Dundee Prohibition Party ("went with Mrs Watt to Ludlow Mass".)
Photograph of Mr & Mrs Jas. Anderson and family
Photograph of John S. McGillivray, AuchtermuchtyNotes on dispute in jute industry in Dundee (1912)
Letter from Alexander Wilkie (M.P. for Dundee) to William Munro, 32 West Port, Dundee, condemning attitude of Scottish Prohibition Party in dispute – condemns any political party that makes political capital during time of distress – what he (A.W.) has done to terminate dispute is public property, compares with noise and bluster of S.P.P., 16 Apr 1912
Letter from J. M. Scott, 2 Annfield St., enclosing photograph of staff (of Dundee Corporate Assessors' Department) – mentions employer, Mr Lorimer, 4 Aug 1918
Postcards referring to arrangements for Mrs Carrie Nation's meeting at "New Public Hall" (?Arbroath), 4 Nov 1908
Postcards referring to meeting in East Church Hall, Arbroath, for "our Glasgow Sister"
Photograph of Alex. Leslie, Kirkcaldy (International Order of Good Templars member)
Transcription of speech given by E.S. at request of Mr Henderson, Prohibitionist, Auchtermuchty and recorded on phonograph: seeks recruits from church and mission workers – they should stand up and be counted, 13 Dec 1904
Postcard with photographic portraits of those who carried through Court of Session Action on behalf of Gilfillan Memorial Church, 1911-12
Programme for Prohibition Party's second excursion to Blackpool – "Another Boon to Dundee's Workers", July 1927
Letter from George Scrymgeour, Bank St., Dundee to E.S.: states that Mr D.C. Thomson had personally expressed his irritation over Mr Asquith's reference to E.S.'s speech (to which E.S. adds note "Keep cold very cold in dealing with the Asquiths"), 22 Feb 1929
Letter from Henry Rackow, 34 Baldovan Terrace, Dundee: consoles E.S. in defeat; refers to Mr Foot and Miss Horsburgh – the latter "has worked hard and deserves her place ………… But, & here is where Dundee may yet have to consider its wisdom, never have I come across a candidate who has done so much & said so much in the short space of time at his disposal as Mr Foot", 28 Oct 1931
Letter from Henry Rackow to E.S.: offers his services to Party, having followed cause from outside for many years, 3 Nov 1931
Letter from J. Alex. Grahame, Glasgow: suggests demonstration in City Hall in support of Prohibition Hall, 21 Feb 1923
Robert Stewart's election address to electors of 9th Ward, 17 Oct 1907
Programme for Scottish Prohibition Party Sale of Work, Gilfillan Memorial Church – lists branches of S.P.P. at Dundee, Arbroath, Perth, Auchtermuchty, Dumfermline, Kirkcaldy, Anstruther, Brechin and Montrose, 15 Dec 1906
Correspondence concerning resignation of Victor Brashir, London, as General Secretary of National Prohibition Party and from membership of Party: is to join International Labour Party (I.L.P.) – feels Prohibition comes within scope of I.L.P., feels socialism is the greater cause than Prohibition, 1920
International Order of Good Templars "Commercial Lodge" – programme for Musical Evening at Y.M.C.A. Large Hall, E.S. presiding, 16 Dec 1891
Draft of speech on "Drink and Poverty" to be given to Good Templars, n.d.
Access Information
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