Edwin Scrymgeour Collection Box 9
- Reference:GB 615 ES/9
- Dates of Creation:1904 - 1926
- Physical Description:1 box
Scope and Content
Papers of Edwin Scrymgeour (E.S.) including:
The Prohibitionists' Catechism - booklet reciting the origins, structure and purposes of the Scottish Prohibition Party, issued by Executive of the S.P.P.'s National Council, Dundee, Mar 1905
Telegrams from branches supporting G.K. Smith in election, Nov 1906
Postcard from Wm Boag, Greenock, asking for 1,000 leaflets on Temperance Bill to be sent immediately for temperance demonstration; his bro. wrote for them a week ago but not heard since, 13th Nov 1911
The Prohibition Text Book, issued by National Prohibition Party of United States, 1909
Souvenir booklet for Prohibitionists' Bazaar, Kinnaird Hall, Dundee, 31st Oct and 1st Nov 1913
Admission booklet for meeting at Caird Hall to be addressed by Winston Churchill, 8th Apr 1922
Letter from Wm Dobbie, [Glasgow], concerning campaign to secure prohibition for duration of War which [Glasgow] branch is opposing, refers to demonstration in Glasgow - "one of the largest Glasgow has ever seen over 30,000 being present"; help given by Prohibition Band of Hope, great demand for their papers and pamphlets, n.d. [c. 1914]
The Prohibition Pioneer and Almanack For 1913 - printed with approval of the S.P.P. for use as source book and workers' manual; incl. contributions from those in Prohibition movement in Great Britain and U.S.A.; refers to hiring of lecturers and slides for lantern lectures; incl. article by E.S. detailing origins of Scottish Prohibition Party, 1913
Correspondence with Tom Honeyman, Grand Chief Templar, regarding attempt to get International Order of Good Templars to adopt complete Prohibition and to support independent parliamentary candidates; also refers to calling of conference to consider new Prohibition Party, 1916-17.
Correspondence regarding Dundee printers' strike and use of non-union labour by D.C. Thomson press; correspondence with Dundee Free Press regarding E.S.'s contribution, 1926.
Correspondence with A. Donnet, Dundee, mainly concerning Party business, 1925-6 (inc. reference by A.D. to one of E.S.'s supporters in Lochee whom E.S. has helped - "I am afraid he is one of the many who have played upon your goodness. No one seems to know him", 18th Jan 1926)
Letters from T. Shuttleworth, jnr., East Dulwich, regarding forming of branch of "The Party" in London, 1927
Copy of letter of E.S. in which he refuses to have his name on Commission of the Peace, having been overlooked for so many years, 7th Oct 1918
Letter from Myron Waterman, Kansas City: about to go on extended campaign for Anti-Saloon League; refers to his friend Miss Carrie A. Nation's visit to Scotland and to E.S.'s visit to U.S.A., 1909.
Syllabus of Scottish Prohibition Party (Glasgow Branch) Debating Society, Sep - Dec 1912
Letters from Alex. Dewar, Springfield, Mass., formerly of Dundee: refers to period in Dundee when out of work and unable to pay subscriptions, 1921-2
Letter to E.S. from John Beedie, Dundee: refers to meeting to be held at Gilfillan Church of those who are to leave the Party; has heard Perth branch has asked for full particulars, warns they must be prepared for developments from other branches; suggests branches should be visited quickly, people are awaiting the demise of the Party, 10th Jan 1904
Letter to E.S. from John Beedie, Dundee, concerning Perth Prohibition Party: P.P.P. is applying for financial assistance, may be angling to rejoin S.P.P.; does not think money can be given to P.P.P. – could have done so when it was a branch of S.P.P. but they chose to sever connections; sees chance for them getting together again if played carefully, 23 Mar 1905
Letter to E.S. from John M. Baird, Mrs Carrie A. Nation Branch, Glasgow: had splendid meetings with Mrs Nation, "have gained everything in members", is optimistic for future, "I am praying that all personalities will be dropped and our pure and holy cause pushed forward ......", 4th Jan 1909
Letter to E.S. from Rob. [Lamont], Ayr: refers to possibility of setting up branch in Ayr; in unusual position of apparently having far more lady sympathisers; a number of those interested in cause are to get together to see what can be done about getting branch started; describes clash with "a number of Boozy defenders of their faith in Geo. Younger M.P."; police hostile and accused them [Prohibitionists] of causing breach of peace; despite this, they managed to win over audience, n.d. [c. 1908]
Letter to E.S. from Tom Honeyman, Glasgow: International Order of Good Templars lodges responding to request to support Prohibition Bill, 23rd Mar 1923
Letter to E.S. from T. Ness, Glasgow: since opening hall in Sword Street they have added four new members, all of whom likely to be stayers, "one came from the Howard St. and one from the St. George's X meeting"; refers to Sunday evening meeting; have succeeded in silencing the International Order of Good Templars Western District big guns, 20th Dec 1912
Circular from A. M'Laren & Son, 10 and 12 Allan Street, Dundee, hay merchants, regarding selling of hay and straw in Dundee Cattle Market, 16 Dec 1905
Letter to E.S. from Rob. Lamont, Ayr, referring to work of West of Scotland Federation of Scottish Prohibition Party, 7th Feb 1916
Letter to E.S. from John Kerr, Duncan's Terrace, Lochee Road, Dundee: refers to timetable for open air evenings for following week; making use of St. Margaret's Band for afternoon meeting; hopes E.S.'s throat better in time for Dundee meetings, 15 June 1906
Labour's Degradation and Labour's Emancipation by Servus [Davie Nairn, Dundee - died 13 Jun 1922] n.d. [1 pamphlet]
Is Flesh - Eating Morally Defensible? by Sidney H Beard of the Order of the Golden Age, 11th edit., 1923 [1 booklet]
Letter to E.S. from Archie MacMurchie, sen., Victoria Road, Dundee: quotes from letter from his sailor brother hoping E.S. will be returned again, 20th Nov 1923
Letter to E.S. from John McGillivray, Lanark referring to expulsions from Templars, 29th May 1904
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