Edwin Scrymgeour Collection Box 15
- Reference:GB 615 ES/15
- Dates of Creation:1904 - 1924
- Physical Description:1 box
Scope and Content
Papers of Edwin Scrymgeour (E.S.) including:
Letters (2) from Walter Walsh concerning "little commission" he asks E.S. to undertake and letter E.S. has sent him which will involve more work and drudgery; mentions how exhausted he [W.W.] is and says he thought E.S. was looking tired out also, Jul 1900
Letter from Bert Baker [of National Prohibition Party], 20 New Bond St, London: has had serious thought on "our Literature Business" and has a great deal of sympathy with E.S. on this matter; does not think they are doing as much as they ought to push the movement – "I think a more aggressive and fighting journal would help us and soon push its way"; would not edit Prohibitionist even if asked but prepared to sink a bit in it for a time; is sending dummy to E.S. to get estimates; asks if E.S. could take two or three thousand a month and run off four pages of Scottish matters; hopes to issue it fortnightly as soon as possible; mentions meeting at Willesden at which he addressed 500 or 600 people, heckled by Temperance men who had invited him but crowd was with him; told them "they were not only the first line of defence for Liquor - they were the first line of opposition to Prohibition!"; compliments E.S. on teaching him how to deal with such a situation, not to argue with somebody on the edge of the crowd but choose somebody in second or first rows, 6 Oct 1906
Letter from Walter Walsh to E.S.: an American editor of a temperance and prohibition encyclopaedia is seeking historical sketch of origins of Prohibition Party in Scotland; refers to lively meeting E.S. had in Dumfries, 16 Jun 1903
Letter from H. Bradley, Gen. Sec. of National Prohibition Party, congratulating E.S. on appointment he obtained in Edinburgh, 17 May, 1902
Letters from John S. MacGillivray, Kinness Park, St Andrews, in which he attempts to clear up misunderstanding arising from E.S. having printed Bro. Wm. Blackwood's alleged comments on the Prohibition question put to Capt. Ellice and other candidates by a deputation of Good Templars; W. B. quoted as saying that J. McG. was "one of the local orators in our movement and he and a number of other young men are very enthusiastic and are very anxious to go the whole way. This question is from them." Oct. 1903
Letters (2) from John Henderson, Chicago: refers to attempt to make Chicago dry and to Local Option question in Canada, 20, 26 Mar. 1910
Letters from Geo. Webster, Toronto to E.S.: refers to recent election contested by E.S., election figures would suggest failure "but to me they are not so. To me they demonstrate the fact that a stand has been taken politically for the first time for the abolition of drink….."; regrets he is unable to help very much financially, 14 May 1908
Letter from Alex Howe, musical instrument maker and importer, Glasgow, suggesting a "Here and There" column for Prohibitionist which he and Glasgow branch members could provide, 10 Oct 1911
Letter from Rob. Drummond, Partick, concerning Glasgow's First Branch: have very few attending but very lively and members turn up for every meeting; had a meeting recently when it was determined that Branch would go ahead "and that too with a determination. It will take its time, nevertheless it must be done……"; are awaiting a deputation from Headquarters but meanwhile asks E.S. for his views on getting handbills and inserting advertisements in papers; describes arrangements made to divide City into sections for open air meetings; also concerned about money 3 Oct 1909
Letter from Walter Wheatley, Sec. of The Prohibitionist (journal of National Prohibition Party): cannot do anything with Scottish Prohibition); feels it is too local in character to have anything to offer English movement, 8 Mar. 1910
Letter from Alec Kinness, Wallace Foundry, Dundee: refers to move by International Order of Good Templars to run candidate for First Ward on No – Licence campaign; is being opposed by "some of our old friends who are resorting to their old methods" but is hopeful of success, 8 Oct 1907
Letter from Alec Kinness: motion to run candidate has been dropped to surprise of many; much discontent in membership, 15 Oct 1907
Telegram sent to E.S. as a result of temperance demonstration in Caird Hall conducted by Gipsy Smith urging E.S. to take further steps to deal effectively with drink trade, 2 Oct 1924
Letter from Tom Honeyman, Grand Secretary, I.O.G.T.: article to appear in Templar on Prohibition Party; Executive has declined to make donation to Party funds; several members of Executive very favourable to formation of a National Prohibition Party "and while giving due credit to the friends in Dundee for taking the initiative, think that steps should be taken to have such a National Party formed…", 22 Feb 1902
Correspondence regarding John Ross's patent for window blind roller to be made by Lord Roberts Workshop, 1924
Letter from Jessie Keay and Maggie Wilson, Nairn, asking E.S. to enrol them as national members of Prohibition Party, n.d.
Letters from Alex Mackie, Montrose: branch has just been formed in Montrose; refers to poor meetings International Order of Good Templars are having there and acrimonious discussions with their agents, arguments over whether or not Prohibitionists were expelled from Order; A.M. insisting he was and never got chance to defend himself over connection with "Reformed Templars", 25 Aug. 1906
Letter from A.M. Montrose: refers to open air meetings they are arranging, 4 Sep. 1906
Letter from Rob. Stewart, Falkirk: describes meetings in Falkirk and his successful attempt to change local minister to out-and-out prohibitionist views; had virulent argument with Templars at rain soaked open air meeting; Templars eventually gave up exhausted, 1 Aug. 1909
Letter from Sec. of Graham White Aviation Co. – notes E. S. now able to arrange business they have been in correspondence about at much less expense elsewhere, 3 May 1913
Circular letter from John H. Roberts, Ossett, nr. Wakefield, Yorkshire, concerning recent formation of National Independent Temperance Party; feels that there should be organisation of temperance workers for political action, will support all candidates of whatever party who adopt its programme, 29 Aug. 1904
Letter from Walter Wheatley of N.P.P. offering to sell lantern slide projector and slides to E. S.; N.P.P. not in good position financially, feels those in Scotland better off, 18 Sep. 1907
Letter from Geo. Yuille, Sec. of Baptist Union of Scotland: sympathetic to object of Memorial sent by S.P.P. to Assemblies of various Churches in Scotland calling on them to urge abolition of drink trade but has doubts about importance of political factor; to be no discussion of Memorial in Baptist Union, 13 Sep. 1906
Letter from Alex Craig, Brechin Branch: has severed connections with I.O.G.T. Lodge but has decided that best way to advance cause of Party is to go back into Order as out and out Prohibitionist; has decided to go back to his old Lodge who understands his position; has heard there is move by other Lodges in Brechin to report him to Grand Lodge, 3rd Dec. 1906
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