Edwin Scrymgeour Collection Box 16
- Reference:GB 615 ES/16
- Dates of Creation:1909 - 1940
Scope and Content
Papers of Edwin Scrymgeour (E.S.) including:
Letters to E.S., 1939-40
Letter from Geo. Jessup, London: thanks E. S. for his support for G. S. and Revival Party – endeavouring to bring Churches back to Bible pattern, 6 Jan 1940
Letter from O.S. Moore, British Columbia: refers to American prohibition movement struggling against the odds and being let down "by those posing as friends", 4 Jan 1939
Correspondence with Spencer Bros. Ltd., aeronauts, Highbury, London, regarding insurance for air display, suitability of site depended on it being clear of trees and buildings, aeronauts satisfied after inspection, agreed to provide a "skilled and daring aviator", May – Jun 1913
Correspondence with Dundee Horticultural Soc. for supply of barricading for air show, June 1913
Copy Open Record, copy Interlocutor, correspondence and accounts of judicial expenses in action of E.S., against Dundee Town Council in which E. S. seeks access to books and accounts of Cleansing Dept., 1912
Copy Proposed Issues in action of Jas. Thornton, Sergeant of Police, Dundee, against E.S. as editor and John Pellow as printer concerning allegation E.S. had made on a number of occasions that he had seen J.T. drunk at top of St Andrew's St; allegation had also been published in Scottish Prohibitionist, 1912
General correspondence regarding preparations for air show, May – Jun 1913
Letter from J. Alex Grahame, Glasgow, to E. S.: takes E. S. to task for way he treats his opponents' arguments with invective; argument with E. S. is over methods he employs, his failure to temporise; to look only to the future while others are trying to deal with the present and make use of parts of 1913 Act that are suitable; although he has severed his links with Scottish Prohibition Party he is not less a prohibitionist ; J.A.G. sees No Licence Vote under 1913 Act as reasonable step to take – vote will be seen as protest against existence of traffic whatever the practical consequences; criticises Scottish Prohibition Party's policy in licensing courts where they often appear, demand "No Licence" and, when they do not succeed, leave; leave other temperance men struggling to get prohibition of liquor traffic in certain area, with S.P.P. help they might have succeeded; have succeeded on occasions in ridding certain areas of public houses without S.P.P. support; hopes breach in temperance circles can be healed, 25 May 1914
Correspondence regarding Dundee Mill and Factory Operatives' Union's request to E.S. to find out if it is entitled to any exemption from Income Tax, 1927
Correspondence regarding proposed broadcasting or relay station for Dundee, 1924
Cash book for Carry Nation's Campaign and for Robert Stewart's Defence Fund, also subscription accounts for Stewart Defence Fund, 1908-10
Letter from J. Alex Grahame to E.S.: prior to Carry Nation's visit he became member of the Scottish Prohibition Party, had not been aware of S.P.P.'s existence until year or so before then; had been willing to set aside his views on other political matters on being told that Party was for "prohibition and prohibition only"; soon found this was not so – they had been hitched to a "ramping, raging, socialistic and Home-Rule propaganda!" 1914
Correspondence regarding enquiry into administration of Dundee East Poorhouse Hospital, 1909
Correspondence with E. Tennyson Smith of Christian Crusade against the Liquor Traffic – E.T.S. accuses Rob. Stewart of misrepresenting various temperance meetings in Scottish Prohibitionist, 1909
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